I love it when individuals that are normally silent suddenly speak out with something profound. Like when Silent Bob finally speaks up.
Lots to ponder on here -- as this whole account of events and experiences has some teeth to it. I've heard in numerous different communities some rumblings and grumblings of encounters with Ned -- and/or the SteemitInc operation in general -- and how that experience has left them unimpressed, or otherwise convinced them to leave altogether.
The unaccountable actor label is compelling -- the whole reason that many of us are here is that we're tired of being at the whim of unaccountable actors -- Facebook / Twitter / Whathaveyou -- and were drawn in by the initial promise of decentralized authority.
It's nice to hear a commentary on the kerfuffle that shares so much background and history.
LOL, got a good laugh out of that.
It's the best way I've figured out how to describe it. I've been pecking around the symptoms of this problem for almost a year now and only recently did I start to frame the conversation around accountability. I'm still not 100% sure it's the best way to describe the situation, but at this moment it's where I'm at and it seems to explain a lot.
I know that's why I'm here, I've spent my career building applications with a focus on community-centric ideas. It's the entire reason I got involved and wanted to be as involved as I could be and started running as a witness on the network.
I think what we've discovered though is that it's going to take change to actually push a platform like this mainstream. If we had more than one entity like Steemit Inc, we wouldn't be so reliant upon them to succeed.