Who am I & How do I want to be?
I guess you already know what I am going to post here. At heart, as cultural contribution to my world, I am a writer. I am a storyteller. I am a dreamer who wants to draw you in to a magical world and tell you stories that you can cherish. Stories that you can tell your kids. Stories that keeps us alive. Hope & dreams are after all what makes us all get up early in the morning and set about our tasks
I want to be encouraging and be a part of actively inculcating literature among people. Many might not realize it but literature has a great impact on the society and the souls that are part of it. We can do better and we will. I sincerely hope for a better world and a simple hobby like reading can go a long way
Hey dear. Glad to hear from you again.. You've been scarce
Yes!! A bibliophile..
withh books you travel around the world, with books you become wiser and more knowledgeable. So i must say you should carry on with who you want to be because we need beings like you. @mydivathings I do agree with everything you've said. Reading alone has a very much great impact to the beings and the world at large.