
I think @ashtv is planning a little recording. If we were more together, we could try a little skype or similar. Are you around on Saturday?

Sadly no - I'm booked to shadow a navigation training day in the mountains! That's a great idea though.

Do you know, that sounds great! I almost wish I was shadowing you. Which part of the UK are you?
We need to think a bit more about how we involve people without everyone having to travel.

Thanks @shanibeer! I'm in Glasgow. I think Skype is a great idea - or alternatively holding events in the "middle" of the country - maybe Yorkshire or Lancashire.

Ah, Glasgow, fabulous!
I agree about location - we have three people driving down from the "middle" and I was thinking that maybe we need to look for a "northern" venue - maybe Manchester or Leeds or Sheffield.

Yes - ideally somewhere that has cheap hotels, good parking and a railway station.