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RE: First Time STEEM Drops Below $1 in 2018

in #steem7 years ago

Dang! Thanks for the shout out homie! The price drop definitely begs the question "why are you here?" if it's simply to get rich, you are probably short sighted and your strategy will end in tears.

I'm not clever or educated enough to really understand how all the payouts and exchanges work so maybe my ignorance is bliss. But shortly after writing the article you sited above I spent all my sbd and powered up because for me the community trumps the payout in spades.

Steemit has the potential to change many things in this world, and community is without a doubt the thing that will carry us into a brighter future.

So good on you for staying positive, and I look forward to following you into the future.

Much love!!


It's all good man lol When I started writing this post after seeing a few complaints about the price post I was surprised to find yours go against the narrative @naturowlmystic

The only ones who were positive apart from yours were large accounts, witnesses and people who have been on for ages lol so I didn't really relate to them that much.

I don't think I've ever seen so much engagement on one of my posts in such a long time, it just shows the people who are sticking around are here to contribute, so stick it out with me and the rest of the peeps who commented too. We're going to be sitting here for many more price drops to come but continuously in a better position. Besides its pretty fun and exciting to be a part of all of this? Whats the alternative? Looking at people sharing 3 year old memes on Facebook? I think not

Bahahahaha absolutely. I'm so over Facebook man. It's a good tool for communication (if you don't mind the constant invasion of privacy) but that's about it for me. Thanks again! And yeah, I'm going through and following all the commenter here right now 😉😉