The Velocity Fork has been successfully deployed but with unexpected bugs around bandwidth that permit user actions.
All Steemians, please test, report bugs and hang tight while these HF20 bugs are resolved.
Please check in periodically and follow GitHub and @steemitblog and your Witnesses for updates.
(Edited for accuracy)
I paid my own fiat money into here, I leased sp. I lost 7 days of it, after your supposed coders removed my sp/vote power, and my voice, are you going to correct this, or apologize?
1 thing you never seem you do is apologize, yes I understand it shows weakness, I owned businesses, though this "fuck up was epic"
You want investors? not a chance with the current culture, and the current regime, you included!
I am watching this with fascination and just commented on another post:
It usually works better than this but you sure chose a bad time to get started.
In just two weeks you have already worked out the part that 90% of people on Steemit don't get. A bunch of inbred dickheads have way too much control. But I think this balls up has brought that more out in the open and may actually help
On the other hand there are posts like this - clearly this guy is seeing it differently...
Wait a bit bro, I just got started, now there aint no stopping me.
Patriot senses unhappiness...
Amazing how I have been using tipu all day, though when it came to this they chose to have 8 hours off, says it all about this shit show.o
Thanks for the tip - I have never seen Tipu before
Most welcome.
Sir @ned when we can create instant paying acount. Now.I cant recents fees.can anyone please tell me about this matter..My some friends wants to join. But I cant create. right now.
Testing a comment!
Communication is KEY, we need faster, precise communication! Discord channels are going nuts.
Completely agree. Please spread the news that Steem’s RC (Resource Credit) system is reaching equilibrium and account holders should test votes or posts. Thanks 🙏
Just posted my first post again so even that is working again.Will spread the news @ned!
Thanks for all the hard work!
And @mrprofessor you're right there was some panic at the Discord channels...
Will do posting excercise all evening - curious how it will go.
Already doing @ned, lot's of people thinking their RC (VP) is going down, when in fact it's just showing the updated value.
What would be a good idea, hold postings until it's back to normal values?
If you could release a statement about that I'm sure you'll reach more people than me.
congratulations for the success.
I left a message in your private discord ... if you could read it I would appreciate it very much
See you next month.
I'm able to post, vote, and comment, but my post rewards dropped by over 99%. Also, I curate a community of a few hundred musicians called Open Mic and most of them cannot post now, essentially killing the community's growth and engagement. I hope this reaches equilibrium soon or 2-years of hard work building this community will be mowed down.
@ned HF20 has jacked up normal community behavior because theres little incentive or capability to participate at the moment.
Can the captain on the bridge provide more clarity as to how we should proceed?
Will posting more lower the cost of actions faster?
Are these the costs we should expect going forward?
Is there a criteria to determine whether we move forward or not with an RC system that may or may not be broken?
Is it even broken?
Is there a plan to help those with little to no SP? (The community is our most important asset, and we are on the brink of destroying it if most cant perform a rational amount of actions)
I know its easy to say wait and see. But can we at least provide some expectations of what we are expecting to see and what is an indication of progress now that we've been hit with a rather unpopular HF20. It sucks to handhold, but to prevent the crew from despairing, words that tell it like it is can often be much more useful than silence or misdirectional spin.
"Equilibrium"... Why not start the VP and RC at previous values (convert to percent)
stop kissing up to ned bahah
And with this comment I just killed my RC..

..totally worth it.
Comedy Open Mic - Hilarious:
Looks Like Steemit Is only for Whales,Not for Minnows..
yup,people are realizing it slowly.
Not much bandwith for smaller accounts yet... even 100K accounts getting "run out of bandwidth" messages from what I can tell. Otherwise looking great!
besides being totally broken it's great!
😂 😂 😂😂 😂 😂
Good job.
yeah right... standing ovations please!
A success? No f-ing way.
People can’t post for a day. Then when they can again their VP has been hosed so no one is upvoting. No money is being made. People’s leases and delegations are being wasted.... all day yesterday accounts with reps 70 and above are patting eachother on the back saying great job, and folks who have just joined don’t realize no one is talking to them because they can’t.
What a complete and utter crock of garbage.
@dfinney Don't holed back, please tells us how you REALLY FEEL ?? You know I am a BIG @dfinney FAN BOY............
Lol! I stand by my words. ☺️
steemit should be be renamed whalemeet, i mean do they really care about anyone except whales.
Saya di Aceh akan terus mempromosikan steem, #Hf20 sudah berjalan dengan baik.
I will continue to promote steem in Aceh, # Hf20 has gone well.
Thought that is whaleshare term for activities on the platform and the rate of the power Share so how steemit using that.
Congrats to all !
Finally it is working something. It will upto the mark in some days.
(Steemians after hardfork)
Ned is a legend
we will see when something can be done ... until now the calculations went wrong
Thanks @ned!
just quit from CEO Ned, but before you do fire all those incompetent dumbasses in your team. Everybody will be happier and that includes you since your stake will be worth a lot more money if you hire people that don't belong to the "incompetent dumbass" category
I thought you were happy? God damn it tweet what you mean man!
holy shit. that is gold right there.
I stole it from @themarkymark, just couldn't pass up replying it to this!
Just as long as you filled out the proper meme acquisition forms you should be fine.
Ned, what are your thoughts on the DLive Move? I think they were 'bought out' and I think that Lino is just trying to be Steemit. What are you doing to address some of the reasons that they chose to leave, such as 7 day payout limits? From what I understand, SMTs might make this easier and, of course DApps can be built in a way where 'new posts' are made in the background, allowing for additional payout related to the same content, but is there any additional information you can provide?
Incompetence. And what's worse, I couldn't even post that on a timely manner. 100% power up. 100% bandwidth. And yet you invented a way to keep me from posting my displeasure.
What! And I read this was a success? How dare you.
That's great and all, but I need moaaarrr mana, how about adding me to your auto-voter for a month @ned ? :P :D or SP Delegation, I'll take either. xo
Please change 'successful' to 'unsuccessful'
Alright, my first comment here was to see how things are working out. That has been a very rough ride and I hope situations like this will be avoided in future updates.
Testing on your comment testing.
Unnecessary test on the test of a test.
Mine would have been the first comment under this post had the bandwidth issue did not arise. Within a few seconds after @ned came up with this post, I wrote a thanking comment and was about to post. It just ended up asking me to purchase more steem power!I was astonished!
I got relieved later knowing that I'm not alone. Anyway, this is my first comment from this side of steemit. Good work @ned and team @steemit.
Good that we are now getting stabilized slowly. I really have a question to the developers who did all the hard work to get us to this state.
Can we not make the blockchain work the way it used to work in HF19 until the RC reaches equilibrium after HF20 deployment?
When I ask this question, I'm not saying that we have to rollback to the HF19. It would have been a lot better if there had been a switch method. When the user accounts are adjusting to the new HF, they should have worked in the older way itself. Only when they get ready and reach equilibrium, they should have been switched to the new system. Kind of a backup plan.
It will be wise not to introduce any breaking changes in the future that can affect user experience.
Hello Ceo @ned We wait a declaration from you about Dlive Living Thanks
First step towards the moon ^.^
To the moon! :D
En donde muchos seremos astronautas, genial \o/
test comment
would love to see an update about the bandwidth issue
Working on it!
Appreciating everyone’s patience.
I recognize a good joke when I see it!
that is... if you can call a trainwreck successful
Yeah, posting, upvoting and commenting is working again, thanks to the Steemit team! There is only a problem with the Voting Power now, if you are upvoting something, it is going down to 20%...
But I have seen that the team is still working on it:
Hey, @ned.
It's good to have the blockchain hard forked and I'm glad you all have deployed the patch that got us up and running. I know this is all for the better. I'm just hoping that it's one time growing pains.
This was the first hard fork for me and most everyone else on the platform, so not knowing what to expect, it was good to have Monday's update and then the one that came after the hard fork to let us know what was going on. I do appreciate that. I wish there was a way to speed up the process, but barring that, it's good to know that you all are at full staff and working through the deployment.
I'm hoping it's well worth the waiting we've done and whatever other adjusting that may be in the works.
I'm a small fish, I can't survive this change.
I'm only plankton. I'm already dead.
How long until the red bar goes away?
Also, will you be upvoting anyone this week to compensate for lost VP since your accounts seem to have some VP unmatched by anyone?
Side note, your hair looks a little flat, did you not have time to get it fluffed prior to that video chat?
Testing comment. Yay!
Shit I'm out of RC again. Doh!
I've had a hard time, boss.
I look forward to it even more.
Hey ned, great work - i hope in the future everything turns out perfect - let's see how this turns out to be #makesteemitgreatAgain
I told everyone to shut up and wait 24 hours like you said now I am getting my throat ripped out of my neck... Thanks for the lack of testnet utilization before implementation
They actually used the testnet a lot, but did it in such a way that it wasn't a completely accurate representation of what would happen once the hardfork was deployed.
They need some kind of parallel blockchain that can function autonomously, not just feed in sample transactions from the real chain, because those were being generated by a different version.
At least, that's the confounded understanding I gleaned by talking to a few witnesses earlier. So testing was there, but wasn't enough, and perhaps not in the right manner.
Testing reply.. Should communicate on too just in case we get problems exactly like this?
If you would have copied the live version to the test net, after that upgrading the testnet to HF20 and then all the bugs would have popped up after 10 minutes of testing time!@ned, still I have the feeling that this HF wasn't tested at all.
Also do find it troublesome that everybody involved was screaming about a success, but almost nobody was capable of interaction with the steem blockchain!
I would vote for the comment but I am afraid that the VP will lower me to zero ... lol
until here nothing to celebrate
Actually, if it wasn’t tested, I think the hardfork date would have been delayed.
But then how can thise major bugs/side effects be explained?
HF20 needs to unwound.
Mana costs need to be SERIOUSLY recalculated.
(by a factor of 10 or 100)
I, at 1.5MVests, who posts, votes, reads/comments all manually should never have had any problem.
However, after HF20, it looks like i need to curtail my commenting and voting.
Do you really want me to curtail my commenting? My interacting with steemians?
And, i have 1.5MVests. What about the plankton?
Their allowed posting is absurdly low.
So, what HF20 has done is told all the minnows and plankton to:
Just go away!
If that was not the developers intentions, you better get it fixed.
I can't add much more to what has already been said... but i agree with you 100% x 1 million!... This is ridiculous and this meme will be spread far and wide if it doesn't get fixed soon:
And @ned would know a bit more about how everyone feels if he would read and respond to the comments on his own posts. Its not rocket science, just common sense... Listen to your customers 101!
This is the best news ever for the steem blockchain. Welldone! @ned and team steemit.
"The Velocity Fork has been successfully deployed"
Actually it was a disaster. We (users) need to revoke witnesses votes from steemit inc employees to try to separate power a little bit
@Ned perhaps the best move at this point is to roll back to HF19 re think (talk with the people in steem) on how to go forward. It would be faster and smoother.
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Testing a comment!
Communication is KEY, we need faster, precise communication! Discord channels are going nuts.