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RE: Steemit Inc Disregarded Their Own Terms And Conditions

in #steem6 years ago

the guy is clearly hurting over something.. terms reserved all rights and logically winners were chosen randomly anyway... no one outside of the host knew how the winners would be chosen, hence the randomness... not really into giving complainers like this even an inch


Okay, never mind the disgusting condescending statement of the comment from the mighty Ned. I guess the good thing about being a corporate man is having the ability to ignore every post and comments, including the one by @fieryfootprints which is a reply to this comment. the "hurt over something" comment was an amazingly douche thing to say as there's a detailed post that once again you can pretend to act ignorant toward before replying with those vague political sentences that people used to hear from local politicians who aren't men enough to own up to any wrongdoings of their own. You had that chance to actually man up but you chose the dictator route. And good for you really. Your mathematics might be correct or they might not be, but your morals are definitely wrong.

If you were to tell me to build a corporation, I wouldn't know what to do or even say. But if I were to ask you if you can define honesty, deception, and fairness, you wouldn't know what to even say. Because you'll need 2 of those definition to apply to you and one to not, but we both know along with everyone who witnessed this that only one apply to you. I'll leave to guess which one it is. For now let's both pretend to be ignorant to fact, although I think I'll need some tips from you on how to do that.

Allow me to adjust your quote on the other comment and say. Prove me wrong morally.

I would just like to extend to you an offer to come and work with me on my campaign for 2020. You are obviously much better at fixing elections than anyone I currently have in my employment.

Here's the definition of random:

  • made, done, happening, or chosen without method or conscious decision.

Lol. Way way way TMI there hoss. Don't need to know about the angry inch. Amir was fine with losing when it was a random draw. He is upset because halfway through it got changed to a popularity contest that he could have 100% won with the backing of his community. You know the kind of close-knit community you are trying to build with destiny? Yeah, we already built that. I don't expect you to even remotely care. @berniesanders already stepped up and is trying to make it right. Thank you, Bernie. We all appreciate it and if there is any way I can return the favor let me know. I am in debt to you. I always pay my debts.
As I read through the comments I find that this kind of shenanigans is commonplace here so I am really not sure why we are surprised. We have the giveaway story from last year in the comments. The scammy bit shares giveaway, It is just par for the course. I guess this is much like going to prison. Being on steemit doesn't make you a better person, it makes you a better criminal. I will work on uping my game. Maybe I can scam some orphans out of their lunch money or something.

I think what you don't realize is that amir would have had, what I consider an overwhelming amount of votes and support, especially from the #comedyopenmic community, that would have given him a fair run, or a more fair run. He would have had my vote that is for sure.

I think that egos aside, you and your sexy hair can see this. Have a steemy day!

Statistically it’s the exact same fairness no matter what type of random drawing was expected because the choosing style was random to all parties except for the host. Prove me wrong mathematically.

Is it that difficult to admit you, or your team or somebody just fucked up with the rules of the contest? Many look at you as the leader of this whole place, admitting when you are blatantly wrong and apologizing is a trait of a strong leader (as long as it doesn't happen all the time)... What you do right now is simply give more fuel to the people calling you incompetent and/or other nice names.

I get it. In a game where the winner is declared by random selection any method used to select the winner is valid provided all parties have the same information. I also get you coming in here to defend your boy Andrachy.

You have a horrible way of speaking with people and of explaining your thoughts. If you felt this was beneath you then you shouldn't have spoken up. But you're here now so welcome. Long time reader first time replier, big fan of your hair, and a little disappointed no one mentions the eyes.

Mathematics aside it doesn't feel right. The game doesn't feel fair. To make your statement correct, all Andrachy had to do was keep his method of selection to himself, no one would have known it was by vote and any person that won it would have been happy and everyone else would have congratulated them and moved on. But he didn't, he announced that there were rules to the game that weren't just unknown but contradicted those previously announced.

Losing a game by random chance everyone can accept... Apart from some pokie machine addicts Pokie machines for the Americans. But losing a game where there were secret rules, which you actively contravened because you wanted to be nice. Feels like you're a piece of shit who doesn't deserve anything, and will never grow up to become a CEO sociopath who recites the quadratic equation before sex to get hard.

And now I've lost you. You won't respond. That's ok.

BTW, you should be worried when @berniesanders shows more empathy than you.

"Prove me wrong mathematically."

Okay. first of all prize of this contest was very generous. And even more importantly joining steemit was one of the best things that happened to me in the last few years so thank you and all other members of the team.

With that being said the rest of this comment will probably make me sound like a sore loser so bear with me. I won a different contest. I was not able to cover my travel and accommodation expenses in time so I refused my ticket and it now belongs to a new winner. I will work harder and try to be in steemfest 4. Now I will try to explain why this matters.


this was the rule in contest that I lost.


This shows exact entry form for the contest that I lost.

raffle 1 .jpg

raffle 2.jpg

This shows how many times phrase "Please count me in this raffle..." was used . If we take away 2 of these times( mine and the one in the rules) we get the number of people who also wanted to win raffle. In other words it shows how low were my chances of winning this thing. But despite that it also shows that my chances at this point were not zero.

This shows that my chances were zero from the start because winner was decided by vote count and not luck.

Yes I have myself to blame for not considering that raffle could be decided by vote count. But I still think that such details should be made clear from the start. Like I said this contest was generous. But at the same time cruel because I had a tiny hope of winning while in reality that was just illusion.

Sad, frustrating... yep.

So, you had hope and you lost it. I get it.... That's frustrating.

But sometimes things don't go as planned and plans change. It's not like you paid for a raffle ticket.

Sometimes, life isn't fair and we lose when we link we won.

"It's not like you paid for a raffle ticket".
By making my entry according to the rules stated in the contest I paid for the chance. And unlike some others who paid the same price I didn't receive what I was paying for. You are right that the host can change the rules how they want. They have that right. Like I said I already accepted that I have to aim for steemfest 4. My goals, dreams and hopes are delayed by a year. So be it. I can't change anything about that. At least that means that I can use that additional year to work on myself and improve. So originally I was not even going to mention any of this. But host himself claimed fairness and asked to prove him wrong. I would have accepted and even respected statements like"My money- my rules " or "You are right. I made a mistake but I will do better next time". But claiming fairness? According to my very basic math that fairness was a bit lacking so I called BS on that. I have that right.

The way you're talking is like we're your slaves or something. Either shut the fuck up or just get down from the mountain, Zeus, and talk to us mortal beings. I swear to god you're such a dick I can't even believe it. I swear to god every time you write something it's like those companies that filled the water with led and then claiming it wasn't their fault and that people shouldn't complain. Take a humble pill, won't you?

having one entry per person compared to multiple entries per person is not the same mathematically. I honestly think you have a firm grasp of that. I don't think I need to explain that 1+1 does not = chicken

@ned delegates to @dtube

@dtube is run by @heimindanger

@heimindanger is a bigot who routinely refers to people as "fag" in a derogatory manner.

Does @ned support bigotry?

So youre saying that someone with zero votes or recognotion had the same chances as someone who had lots of community support, when ultimately the decision was made to choose from those who had community support? I understand the randomness of randomly choosing to go from one random decision to another in a random fashion but his chances may have been randomly better. Thanks for your response! I'm too tired to discuss random mathematics.

I'm not going to lie to you, the original plan was to come here and rant over how my boy amir got really hurt but being this close, I have to say you're really pretty, have really amazing hair and I sorta mistook you for Captain america but please tell me its longer than one inch

Please stop talking. You are just exposing the kind of warped up logic/sense of reasoning you've been using to run Steem Inc. Either take responsibility for your actions or shut the fuck up.

@ned delegates to @dtube

@dtube is run by @heimindanger

@heimindanger is a bigot who routinely refers to people as "fag" in a derogatory manner.

Does @ned support bigotry?

Yeah? I heard you didn't have an inch to give. Thought it was a rumour.

Oh, and I have a friend that's going to Steemfest and was wondering if he could get a lock or two for a doll he's making. Probably not a voodoo doll.

Randomness Rocks! Think I had a photo album named that back in the ancient days of social media when we used things like 'Tweeter' and 'Fakebook' 😋🤣😎

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey Ned,

SteemIt Inc was quite generous, aren't these interesting times when you can't even give things out for free without being criticized.

Anyway, I think it was a good contest and thank you!