
What about STINC/Steemit Inc. @ned? Are you planning to formalize steem's development process ever?

We have greatly improved organizational development practices since the several prior forks, including real adherence to Agile development, but we haven’t improved enough. The post mortem of HF20 will make us sick and cry. Our Standards will increase. I want the witness’ Gatekeeping Standards even higher. There is a silver lining in struggles or failure — it can be the beginning of new strengths.

Its not easy to focus on the business challenges and the software development at the same time especially in such a community where there are lots of people whose lively hood is from STEEM. So personally I would say, understanding is a good starting point and this can be the beginning of a new era. By adapting a model similar to Wikipedia and true to FOSS principles, IMHO this project can set standards in the blockchain software development.

including real adherence to Agile development

Agile, yes -- but need "Test Driven Agile Development". This is the ONLY shortfall and everything else will fall in place auto-magically.

Few points:

  • Lets make sure that every commit is tested on the TESTNET (blackbox)
  • if possible write white box testing can be introduced
  • start using CI - CD

Your biggest strength is an incredible community & wishing STEEM all the best!

Drupal adopted TDD 10 years ago and had its own moments of radical changes, but Drupal has tradition of communicating change pretty well! (starting from its founder & project lead)@bobison, If you want to set standards, then start by following the lead of existing mature FOSS projects. For example Drupal (the biggest dev-focused FOSS project worldwide). It is 17 years old, ! In short, there is no need to reinvent the wheel @ned, if you really want to keep steem for the long run, make it formal, and if you know that you can't hold the technical weight of the project, then hire a competent CTO ;)

Agree @develcuy

Drupal is not alone. gcc, Bash, emacs etc are even older than drupal and are still holding up. I would prefer to go Python's route though (as opposed to even Linux's). Why I said Python instead of Drupal is because of the recent CVEs against Drupal which was lurking there for so many years. But in general, we are saying the same thing :-)

If you are stating that a programming language makes a final product more secure, then I think that we aren't on the same page, nor on the same book either. Review your statements and try again

no - I didn't say anything about programming languages. I was talking about how

  1. Free Software projects like gcc / bash / emacs & Drupal has evolved
  2. By Python, I meant the foundation not the language. (ie the Python Foundation)

Also I feel communities are the biggest strength of STEEM blockchain. No other blockchain has a community interacting with each other on the blockchain.

@bobinson, what does the Drupal association has to to with Drupal CVEs?

Valuable input. Thank you.


That is good will from you @ned! However, having a formal process requires more than just good will. I've been involved on a CMMI level 3 certification about 6 years ago, it was way too boring back then, but it brought the ability to scale. Not an easy process btw, we had to make hard decisions and to deal with key people leaving the company, but things stabilized over time. So, you had the guts to let HF20 go, how about letting your company to formalize with working industry standards?