I'm not quite sure about the domain and service provider receiving a share of the rewards. I understand companies need to make a profit, and it is a good incentive to encourage adoption - so I am not opposed to it, but I would need to know more details about how it would work before I would be fully on board with the idea.
The website that a post or comment is created inside of would be able to dictate the % cut that goes to the posters and or commenters. For instance Zerohedge could give a % of STEEM rewards to their authors while taking a percentage for posting the link to the ZH article. As another example, the commenters posting through a Steem-Disqus would be given a % while Steem-'scus could also take a %. And like Steemit exists now, some platforms could always give 100% of Steem rewards to the poster/commenter.
Ok. So basically each interface could define how the rewards for posts/comments in their domain would be allocated. That makes sense. Thanks for the explanation!