You are very funny bro! 🤣 You know what I think? I think you neither read what other people write nor what you write yourself. You are insulting and behaving like a child. I will gladly keep your flags and an eye on your spanish accounts. Did you know that the first attacked accounts by @camillesteemer were Spanish accounts?
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This guy just gave himself away with his rage. --This ends with this guy being the catfisher. No BS this is the downvoter people. It all has an air of crusader syndrome about it. A path of selfrighteousness seems to be this guys whole deal.Why do I get the feeling @jaguar.force's and him are one in the same catfisher? This guy is ego trippen.
Hey ever thought of focusing your negative energy into something that actually uplifts your heart? Hating on people suggests to me that you are very angry and a hurt individual. Maybe if you spent more time healing yourself instead of being a hater on the internet you wouldn't have to rage so.