Request for Proposal: STEEM Wordpress Plugin

in #steem9 years ago (edited)
Let's introduce the power of STEEM to the 74+ million users of Wordpress!

Update 6/14 - this cannot be completed until there is a public API which is not currently in place. Feel free to remove your votes until there is more information, however, this project will continue once one is available.


Currently there are over 74 million websites built on the Wordpress platform, including many blogs where writers are not being rewarded for their content. In order to expand the reach of STEEM, a Wordpress plugin should be created that allows users to easily integrate the STEEM blockchain into their blog. This will allow users to be rewarded for their content, while providing additional content and visibility to STEEM.

Developer Requirements
  • Understanding of Wordpress usage and creation/management of Wordpress plugins
  • Understanding of STEEM blockchain and API
  • Desire to provide regular support and maintenance

Plugin must have the ability to perform the following actions at a minimum:

  • Allows for both posting and mirroring of blockchain blogs
  • Upon publishing, the post should be immediately sent to the blockchain and a vote initiated from the poster's account
  • Comments, at a minimum, should be viewable

If there is additional functionality you feel should be added, please include this information in your proposal. I am all for delivering frequent, small and impactful updates!


Your proposal should include:

  • Mockup of propose visual design
  • Details of functionality
  • Information on any required hardware
  • Past experience and references to prior work
  • Estimated completion time
  • Requested compensation in STEEM

Proposals must be posted on the blockchain as a comment to the main RFP request. Cutoff for submission is Sunday, May 15 12:00 UTC. A decision will be made no later than Sunday, May 22 12:00 UTC.


Funding will be provided by the votes from this post, as well as powering down of my witness ‘nextgencrypto’. Compensation will be provided in STEEM after the completion and review of code.

Modification of scope is acceptable, and must be accompanied by a proposal. Under no circumstances will compensation be provided in advance of work being completed and reviewed by a mutually agreed upon third party.

The Future

My hope is that by supporting this project I am able to prove my long-term commitment to supporting the STEEM ecosystem. As long as I am able to remain a voted witness and provide funding, I will continue to do so for future enhancements and support of the STEEM Wordpress plugin.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss, please feel free to comment or message me on Slack.

Thank you,


I don't mean to discourage the OP, but it is quite involved to integrate STEEM posting into Wordpress. The reasons for
this is that you would need to either require a running cli_wallet (where unpractical) or construct and sign the
serialized transactions in PHP. I don't know how well ECDSA is implemented in PHP and whether you can easily serialize
transactions, but at least the implementation in python (python-steem is based on python-graphenelib) probably took me a
couple weeks to get it running.

Anyway, this code
shows you how the it's done in python.

If there is a PHP dev willing to develop this, I can offer my help.

I'm currently working on a graphene-php library for Bitshares, I will be glad to add a Steem module when the other part is finished.

Dose it public on github etc?

Do you mean if my graphene-php library is public on GitHub?


It is not available on GitHub since the code is for the moment pretty crapish and yet it still requires cli_wallet. It will be available by July. If you want to take a look at what is already done, please PM me on Telegram/BTSTalk.

That would be great! Will keep an eye out.

This caused me think that having Steem featured as an app supported by Zapier would also be a great boost for Steem.

We are doing stuff using zapier and ifttt for the sharebot and are looking at working on a project called the "Steembot" which would have some cool (but different) functionality from this.

I like how you set this up nextgen...mind if I try it for the steembot? :D
Anyway. this is a very worthwhile project and I love it. Upvoting and thanking for the idea.

API,Its solution is touchstone.

Would love to see this come to fruition. Do we know what the ETA is for a publicly available API?

Thank you for this clearly written proposal, NextGenCrypto. I see immense value in a WordPress plugin. You have my support!

Can you create or allocate an account specifically for this RFP so that it may be funded by donations from third parties? I plan to pledge donations to these types of initiatives as a way to recruit beta testers for Steem-related softare.

Great idea, as we get closer and proposals start to come in I'll get an account set up for people to make donations if they want. Thanks again.

This is going to be one of the most beneficial add-on projects for Steem. I would love to see it succeed.

I would like to contribute in some way. Like Xeroc, I am concerned that a pretty significant amount of development resources is needed to make this happen. IMHO, a witness's pay may not be sufficient and steemed has a good suggestion of getting a separate funding/donation from third parties.

Thanks bitcube, if you feel you can contribute in any way, please let me know! I'll get a donation address set up once we get closer to the RFP cutoff.

Great to see so much interest and thank you to those of you who have reached out. If you'd like to support this initiative, please vote for my STEEM witness: vote_for_witness youraccount nextgencrypto true true

Thank you for your support.

Wow this is very insightful.

I was thinking an embed code into a squarespace site would be awesome too. Any info about APIs or embed codes on Steem?

Thank you! Let's see what @dan has to say about that one.

Smart idea! You have my support

Thanks to available Steem API endpoints this is now possible. I've created a WordPress plugin that lets you publish your WordPress posts on the Steem Blockchain.

You can check it out at:


oh! Multilingual!

Would Love to see a Wordpress plugin.

I love the proposal and would be happy to help with the work once there is a public api available. In the mean time, I created a quick plugin to let people showcase their posts on their wordpress blogs. You can check it out here:

How about Jekyll plugin?

I strongly support this proposal. I have written an article why it is crucial for Steem to have something like a "Like button" and comments integration and after I've seen this I mentioned your proposal in the comments there.

Steem is a cool idea: Here's how it could become really big!
So thumbs up and please continue with your good work when conditions are there!

This is now possible, thanks to the available API endpoints for Steem blockchain. I have created a WordPress plugin that lets you publish your WordPress posts to the Steem blockchain! :)