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RE: About Steem and Voice

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

So the "competition" to this place wants to emulate something that already exists? GOOD! We win already. This place already learned that lesson the hard way. We can't emulate, we must innovate. They can have their primitive text messenger/link sharing platform. We can embrace the multi billion dollar entertainment industry and be the source of the links those folks share, by producing the content. Hopefully, someday, this place will actually allow the content to thrive. The actual content. Not the crap you vote sellers promote to the front page. The stuff that drives us actual content producers away, along with the potential billions we can generate, not that stuff. Maybe someday some people will see the true value in content and stop promoting rubbish. I'm thinking now those proposed changes are perfect timing.

P.S. This place emulating Reddit is incredibly small thinking, and that's all been done before.

*edit: Thanks for the downvote, Wolfie. You huffed and you puffed and you blew my house down. You can still have my upvote. It's okay.


I think we need a good search engine or tool to find the topic we are interested in. There are a lot of good posts on steem.

Google works, sometimes. First word in search is Steemit, then fill in the blanks after for what you're looking for. I needed to find a comment a made over a year ago. Steemit nonameslefttouse then the keyword of the comment took me directly to it.

Will try. Thanks.

why not just team up with presearch and integrate into steemit. Then it 's a win win situation. Steemit gets a search tool and we get tokens for using it plus its a win for promoting the presearch tool.

@steemchiller's SDS api will provide the data for a great search engine. Now, all we need is this api to be ready and somebody to build the frontend 😀

Posted using Partiko Android
I've been Curie curator for two years and steemlookup helped me a lot in discovering exceptional content.

What you are calling the "competition" to this place is being created by the same guy who created this place.
Put that in your beer and drink it :-)

Dan's too big to fit inside the bottle. You know what Dan probably won't create? A feature that blocks sharing Steemit content across his new shiny social network. Factor that in with what I said about this place being the hub for content production and I think, eventually, we'll find ourselves all working together again. Maybe it doesn't have to be competition? Maybe the two go hand in hand? Maybe that would be good for all investors. Thanks for the kick in the ass... LOL!

Apparently,​ there will be no bots and vote selling on Voice.

Yeah and we all had the be lab rats who proved to the world WHY that's a KEY selling point these days. There's proof that's a mistake now. Can't even be argued. HUGE wake up call to a few folks around here but I ain't gonna be the guy who said I told ya so. Forgive, forget, but learn from the mistakes, move forward as a team. Simple. I'm a patient man, but they better get the ball rolling, like today. Not tomorrow, not next week.

"Hey can you voice up my comment, I'll give you 1 EOS"



"Voice for voice?" :)

i more then hope, i pray the witnesses get the formula right!

It all boils down a combination of their actions, and our behavior after. Everyone better get their heads screwed on tight and make sure they're facing the right direction.

This place emulating Reddit is incredibly small thinking

Heute die Welt, Morgens das Sonnensystem.

Then the galaxy. Then the local cluster of galaxies. Then the universe. Then we break through space and time to take on the next dimension where we encounter ourselves and congratulate one another.

or shit on one another.

Posted using Partiko Android

Shit fetish?

2 girls... 1 coin

Posted using Partiko Android

True value in content? What's your art worth for a guy only interested in learning how to make some money? Probably nothing. He would much rather read content that teaches him how to actually make money - e.g. gary vaynernuck.

That's why Steem has to go into the reddit direction aka communities. You can have your own little bubble/community, where everyone cares as much as you do for the art-style you're producing.

So anyway. True value in content, in general, all of it, helps generate billions of dollars yearly. Arts and entertainment, it's valuable. The first three letters of the word article spell what? Arts and entertainment isn't just about... pictures. It's literally anything someone wants to consume... and I simply look forward to the day more people realize what those potential billions could mean to this place. If we don't embrace it though, or fail to see why those billions could be important, that's probably a bad thing. Communities is a fine idea. I hope they make a community for promoted content, so the real content can rise to the top again, because with the attention the real content gets, naturally, comes those billions. I can't wait until people stop attempting to hold back a good thing. I want people to see it, support it, and share, not this place, but the content within, all over the world on every social network in existence. Allow content producers to do their thing, allow them to be successful, then watch how we don't even need to market this place. What attracts people to Netflix? The platform, or the content they heard about? Think long and hard about that one. I suppose if that, or how I see or feel about things, or my mere presence here, is worthy of a downvote, so be it.

  • edit You changed your original response, so this is just empty space now.

What's your art worth for a guy only interested in learning how to make some money?

You removed the stuff about Nigeria? Why?

Because it wasn't about what people of a particular country like (e.g. Nigeria), but about an individual who is interested in another type of content than art.

I don't produce art for those who do not enjoy art. That's just common sense.

I never doubted that.