That's something I've never been clear on myself, and would love to know. I should probably go re-read the whitepaper. I had a skim through it before I first signed up here, but I didn't really grasp the concepts at the time. It would make sense to me that it would have to decrease over time though because frankly 0.0066%/day is ludicrous.
If you look at the biggest whale accounts, they're earning mind boggling amounts per day in interest. That surely can't be sustainable?
On the other hand, I really love watching my balance, modest as it may be, go up.. I don't really want to see that slow down any :/
Haha yeah I wouldnt think its sustainable either but I'm not 100% sure. It seems to be an elusive answer! Love how detailed your post was, thanks for breaking everything down so thoroughly.
Haha, you can thank my primary school teachers for drilling it into me to always show my working. I find I have to do that anyway, otherwise I'll lose track of units and screw something up.. I no maths so good :)