
You don't upvote yourself? I'd upvote your reply but it wouldn't count.

No, have never self voted intentionally.

Oh. I'd upvote your replies but it wouldn't count because of the .02 earnings threshold.

Hey, friend, at 80 SP you ought to be able to overcome the dust threshold if you let your voting power recover! On a recent post you showed a screenshot of about 17% vote power. That comes from voting (or flagging) too often.
It recovers about 20% a day, and drains about 2% with each vote. So we get roughly 10 votes per day if we want to stay near full power. I just recently learned this, hope you find it helpful.

Nope. At 100% my vote is about .015. It may show as .02 but it's still worthless if I go solo. FYI you can upvote my posts and comments after 30 minutes and earn curation rewards. I always make my posts and upvotes count.

I support your choice:-)