I shall chose who I interact with, nobody else. I chose, not some computer. When confronted with a bully or some violent offender, I have the right to walk away and if it comes down to me walking away from this blockchain I will do that.
You have my total support to interact with anyone in any way you deem appropriate. You have my complete trust at this point. These bullies annoy me as well. Although trying to avoid direct violence against them in the form of flagging, counter flagging their targets seems the least confrontational. My 6700 steem, aquired with some satoshi of a BTC allows me to lend a voice so to speak. Enough of a voice (stake ) that is comfortable to me in the governance of DPoS. There would be many sleepness nights for me should any part of my cryptfolio be under the EOS governance. 😎
Guess you could call me an old PoW Dude at heart. ✌💛