Searching for Steem's Bieber

in #steem9 years ago (edited)

9 years ago, a 13-year Canadian by the name of Justin Bieber started posting videos of him singing on Youtube for the world to see. This was the first video he ever posted:

A new global platform for video streaming allowed a teen from a small town in Canada to connect with fans around the world, get signed to a major record deal, and ultimately become the biggest pop star on the planet.

I believe completely new content creators will similarly emerge on Steem over time. Creators that didnt have the financial means or spare time to dedicate to content can now put their talents on display and instantly get feedback in the form of monetary value.

The big Steem breakout successes won't be people with existing big followings like Dollarviglante who are just taking their existing content and slapping it on Steemit (and in some cases recycling it). It will be completely new creators that are incentivized to create on Steemit and are showing their content to the world for the first time.

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I think stelle belle is pretty much on her way to being the first Steem biebs

Agreed. I think the whale's would be well served to support users new to content creation like Stellabelle as opposed to continuing to pump ppl like Dollarviglante who are justing sharing their existing content on a new platform.

Agreed though I think whales are still working on growth and by pumping people that have massive networks to share their success with steemit will grow faster. Dynamics will change over time though I am sure.

@ntomaino, @rachelkhona - good point, "steemit stars" need to be created organically and from the steemit "farm system" if you will. In the long run that will make steemit more distinguishable as a person will be famously know as "so and so from steemit."

Yup -- its just a more sustainable way for the community to grow. Only so many people are likely to switch from existing networks. I think its more likely that a whole new group of people are going to emerge on Steemit and it always helps to have some examples to point to (Stellabelle probably being the best example to date).