In a market full of red.

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Steem is a bull.

Moving towards 2 USD again, maybe?

Two years after.

The first real payout of Steem was on the 4th of july 2016. For those who were around already back then it was an exciting time. Being part of this amazing project. A social media platform on a blockchain, that was unheard of. Even hard to believe for those who understood the steady movement of 3 transactions per second. Maybe Bitcoin {BTC} could peak up to 7, sometimes, it could not host a blogchain that way. Technically it was improbable that such a thing could be done the POW {Proof Of Work} way.

One block every 10 minutes would need to be humongous to fit the (near) realtime data of a Social Media platform. Somehow it would need to get buffered, dangerous zero-confirmation transactions and Giga big blocks? And in comes the smart and fast DPOS {Delegated Proof Of Stake} blockchain solution. Already tested to the max with Bitshares, this invention by Daniel Larimer took a different approach. And it worked like 3-2-1-DONE!

A group of elected witnesses add blocks in turn. The members of the blockchain vote for them, to make sure the blockchain moves on in a stable and healthy way. While the members add value to the Token that is connected to their blockchain. This is done by putting content in the blocks, that can be viewed publicly by anybody. Freedom of expression locked in a blockchain, that's Steem for me and you!, I once sang in a song about it.

Then it happened... Payout!

Yes, I remember now, back in them days, got me some nice payouts, bitbods never heard of those back then. Ah, those where the days of miracle and wonder. Now I may sound like an oldtimer sobbing about them past and gone by days. But can you imagine that was only 2 years ago...!? The fourth of july 2016 became Independance Day for many people around the globe. It was the day of the first real Steem payout!

All those sceptics, nay sayers and above all the It's a scam! shouters were proven to be wrong. They apparantly never got it that just about any Crypto was peer to peer electronic cash. And that blockchain technology could do so much more than 3 transactions per second stashed in 10 minute blocks. They do not even get the irony of them calling other Cryptos than Bitcoin Alts.

Progression through innovation.

While they seemed to have gotten stuck in the stone-age fighting over silly blocksizes and dangerous zero-confirmations, others progressed through innovation. All in a great collaborative manor that we can enjoy thanks to the free and open source community. Steem proved it could be done! Just like more and more get into the Decentralized EXchange {DEX} of blockchain family member Bitshares.

And then EOS was born into the family, another innovation that moved blockchain technology forward. But is was, and still is, Steem, the first ever Social Media platform on a blockchain that proved it could be done. As it still proves it works like 3-2-1-DONE. Where Daniel Larimer moved on to a new developer adventure, another group of talented people made Steem what it is today. Cheers to them!

HALT, who goes there!?

Oddly enough the Steem blockchain got to a halt yesterday. Almost two years after the first payout. This was a build in security measurement, after somebody tried to Power Down into debt, apparantly. Within a few hours a patch was rolled out to fix it and the Steem blockchain moved on! This is innovation too, even though it will be ridiculed by some Bitcoin fanatics just like they did when EOS paused for security reasons. But they do not understand brilliance when they see it anyway, right?

The speed with how fast it got fixed is amazing. It does show how strong Steem as a blockchain system is. It is still going strong two years after the real first payout on july the fourth 2016. You could feel the buzz, it was everywhere. The silence of those who laughed at us getting in on this Steemtrain was like music to our ears. And those sceptics who'd give it a timespan of... Well, they were all dead wrong!

The bright DPOS future.

Some, even using the Steem blockchain to gain capital, still trying to trash it every time they can. Others join them, flag wars emerge from it. And being critical is healthy, it can be done, that is a part of Steem too. The irony to me though is in how some hold grunges against Daniel Larimer, for moving on to a new project, while they cash in on the Reward Pool big time. Yep, Steem is also a place for that to be possible and earn for it. Freedom of expression is a highly valued asset of our Social Media platform on a blockchain. Where we can agree to disagree and both get rewarded anyway.

Developers move on, sometimes even help backporting some of their new innovations. Or the succes of their follow up project rubs off on their previous one. Steem helped EOS to get a big headstart and somehow I believe this will come back to Steem. It is karma. Maybe the Crypto market finally will understand that Steem is one of the best blockchains out there and is still innovating. Could be that in a market full of red, this is a sign, green light for Steem...

Yet, no matter what, from 7 cents to over 6 USD, Steem was, is and will be the freedom of expression social media platform on a blockchain.

Happy 2 year payout anniversary Steemians! May many more follow!

A day later, but still a nice green for Steem.
Screenshot taken at


I sure hope that STEEM goes up although I have to say at this moment it is still in red (-3,3) in my Bittrex app...

Have a nice day @oaldamster

STEEM: $1,78 USD (9,39%)
0,00027328 BTC (10,70%)

It is! ;-)

Whishing you a nice day too @happybelgian

Happy 2 year payout anniversary Steemians♥. I'm very happy when steem is green. Always have a big hope for steem.

Steem is in the green! Happy day!

This is good news, because the charts have gone up. Apparently, people are into the spirit of using STEEMIT app.
Have a good day @oaldamster

It is good news for Steem.

Have a great day too!

You are welcome my friend

Wow great news , thanks for your information . Keep good work of every time .

Upvote you.Thanks for sharing @oaldamstet

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