For me there is a difference to growth in mainly massive amounts of new accounts and slow steady grow with new accounts adding real value to the Steem blockchain.
At some point I think quality is going to matter more than quantity. New users, or those with a low reputation and or low amount of Steem Power, will be able to make a difference too.
If not, than the purpose of this hardfork would prove itself to be useless for new, low reputation and/or low Steem Power accounts.
And if this is true then I will get back on this subject. But one thing is clear to me, in all of these projects, the more of ones own skin ones puts in, the more gain will come out.
That is basicly the competition that will still rule the Steem game. HF20 will not change this, nor do I think any future HardFork will.
In that sense will those who arrives first be the ones best served, getting a headstart.
Smart Media Tokens {SMT} will be like a fresh start, in some way. New accounts will get a better chance then.
But no matter what, new accounts will still have a tougher task to get noted and rewarded than those who were here from the start.