Eli has no dignity what so ever, therefore i consider her to cancer along with Justin and that piece of shit @ned.
Thanks for everything you've done in regards to soft fork, you will always have my vote. Fuck tron, fuck centralization, fuck justin... nono, fuck all of them
How did Justin get control of Steem? Believe me, I am not a fan of Justin or any "leader" of crypto. It goes against the very reason I got into BTC after the 2009 fiasco that opened my eyes to a corrupt and tired fiscal environment. outdated tools and unethical practices were so prevalent, you might as well hand over the fed TO lying manipulating quacks( oh wait, the nation did it). So with that out of the way, Justin keeps crytpo in the mainstream and he has done far better than most of us at a very young age. Hopefully, he will grow up and become the Gates of my son's generation. You should all stop nagging about his take over of Steem. If you can do better, do it and keep the insults to yourselves. YaZEN -"see the tears but don't react, be prepared for a massive onslaught and attack"
Yep, that's why we left the chain :)
Insulting him is the least i can do after he called our witnesses hackers and usurped the chain.
We used to call this place "home", now its nothing more than a blockchain.
Feel free to support everything crypto should stay against. :)