It was a Chinese community meme on They used to say it in reference to the price. Something about how the short-term word for "dollar"... "dol" was close to the word for "knife"?
Wazzzupp fuzzy! You build our fucking base on the moon? We should star to fly to Centauri! Its will be dificult without space ship!
Go to work slave xDDD
I cried at the end when he shouted "freeeeeeeedommmmmm!" and the king died hearing it in his ear. The beautiful princess looks to the sky and a tear streaks down her cheek.
If only they would have had steem...william wallace never would have had to fight.
I haven't watched this movie but I've heard that Mel Gibson drew his real blood in this movie to make it look real. I've only watched clips. I think I should watch it whole soon.
tshuring-tamang you will love it. Mel is a bad dude and chose a wonderful (though historically inaccurate) part. Still brought tears to my eyes when he screamed freeeedom at the end though. damn man still gives me shivers.
And why is it so expensive? Because it is a social network (based on bitshares 2.0 graphene technology) that pays people who lock away their steem and become wealth distributors who get to pay out to those who have quality content :)
how much money can you earn just by being a valuable and sacrificing member of a community? I guess with steem we are learning what other social media platforms STOLE from us---our value.
Dan and Ned ought to be considered heroes for investing Steem.
Looking closely at the whitepaper it can go a lot higher than $3.67, higher than $5, higher than $10. It really depends it seems on the amount of users Steem is bringing.
It may even prove a thesis that the value of a cryptocurrency comes from the community and not the code, not the spent electricity, but the community of ordinary people. It might explain why Bitcoin isn't growing like it did when Bitcoins could be mined with a GPU or CPU. It might also explain why Bitshares never caught the mainstream attention.
And to think, the referral program isn't even activated yet. Steem still has the ace card.
Firstly, I lost on ETH & DAO, secondly, I missed the NXT boat.. Lastly... I didn't hop on to the rocket Steem took... God... What kind of luck is this?
Fortunately, most of us are toward the ground floor of this uprising. I think Steems have the potential to become an international, user-controlled medium of exchange in a way that Bitcoin can never hope to achieve.
500 knives properly properly
lol have no clue on this one...but somehow it makes me smile to read it. upvote it is!
It was a Chinese community meme on They used to say it in reference to the price. Something about how the short-term word for "dollar"... "dol" was close to the word for "knife"?
dao is knife in chinese, which is a bit close I guess
lol and I invested in the ETH/DAO debacle should have known
That's plausible. It seems the original was lost in translation when I translated those posts to English.
I think it is going up too fast. I'm afraid I hate pumps - I hope no noobs get caught buying at the top
Are we gonna be the first to build a moon base?
Yeah! Moon base of pokemons with ears xD
Lol, I see youve been updating this. What a crazy rally!
all of us are now! lol ;)
This is what happens when a blockchain takes the middleman out and gives all that value BACK to us!
Wazzzupp fuzzy! You build our fucking base on the moon? We should star to fly to Centauri! Its will be dificult without space ship!
Go to work slave xDDD
Go to The Moon!!
fk this moon go to alpha centaura xD
o alpha centaura xD hear we come!

its now alpha centaura, its fucking pony or what? kick him xDDD
its now $1.76!
i guess we humans are pretty damn valuable!
1.88 now guys and gals.. i honestly didnt know if id get to keep this up this
i suspect now we might see far bigger.
Moon nervously smokes aside, until crazy pony captured galaxy!))
2.41 each STEEM. mindblowing...
Where are you looking? On the tits?

Go to the stock exchange and surprise yourself!
Hurray!!! #Freedom!!! The current price is $1.49. We want it go higher!!!
We want more!!! =D
No, you don't want xDD
Dogecoin panic xDDDD
Thats funny.
Ohhh yeah!!!
Maybe we shall see $100 by end of the year and then I will pay off my house!!!!
I just gave you 1 dollar.
loving it. in is also receiving. just how economies are supposed to work :)
of course! its a celebration!
You still in giving mood:)
damn straight!
(maybe i shouldnt curse in this amazing
just saw it. Freedoooooom ! :D
You HAVE to love that movie
Everyone does :D
I cried at the end when he shouted "freeeeeeeedommmmmm!" and the king died hearing it in his ear. The beautiful princess looks to the sky and a tear streaks down her cheek.
If only they would have had steem...william wallace never would have had to fight.
I haven't watched this movie but I've heard that Mel Gibson drew his real blood in this movie to make it look real. I've only watched clips. I think I should watch it whole soon.
Hahahaha, you get my vote for this one. "If only they would have had steem" hahaha. Nice one :D
tshuring-tamang you will love it. Mel is a bad dude and chose a wonderful (though historically inaccurate) part. Still brought tears to my eyes when he screamed freeeedom at the end though. damn man still gives me shivers.
and still going up
congratulations everyone!
No man, ~ 1,29$ OMG.. what happened???
now its down to $00.98. i think it will go and stay at .80
getting interesting eh @karbonxx? :O
Updating and telling good buddy @karbonxx not to sell---we have no clue where the top is (though reddit's marketcap is 4 billion)
Price per steem at time of post = $1.66ea
great, good job
ok now you are just playing with me :D
what do you mean by "U"?
Mel Gibson knew about STEEM while filming Braveheart! He has a STEEM tattoo!!!
Mel Gibson is here among us!
Take that Ethereum!
Even tho I like Ethereum ;D
Oh, ethereum you problem child....
i just find blockchains extremely sexy in general...though I agree that something like steem could go past reddit's 4bil marketcap.
I'm confident it will happen VERY quickly.. we went from 68 million this morning to 99 mil like 15 minutes ago!
One week has passed. Almost 400 millions.
this information price steem or steemdollar
$1.62 each...
I wonder how long this can go...
Freedom where?
on Social media networks and by extension---everywhere! :D
New update!
Now the price is 1.60 each!
Here's my introduction and my latest post Invest in Steem Power! -One huge investment or several smaller ones.
Congratulations steemers! :)
oh god...there is no limit
Just be careful, cause it will dump hard at some point. Definitely has great potential though.
at some point = 100% correct.
people have been waiting for this (or at least we all have :D)
If anyone is foolish enough to dump at this point, that means more to be bought at a lower price. It will definitely go back up!
Well, to be honest, I got all hyped up and bought some STEEM. To hell with my advice. :P
New price! $1.39ea!
why is it so expensive? how many steem coin total?
8.1(ish) million total coins.
And why is it so expensive? Because it is a social network (based on bitshares 2.0 graphene technology) that pays people who lock away their steem and become wealth distributors who get to pay out to those who have quality content :)
OK , thank your information share. maybe steem have a future like reddit, reddit valued between 500millions to 4billions dollars .
updated to reflect new high of $1.16 per steem!
how much money can you earn just by being a valuable and sacrificing member of a community? I guess with steem we are learning what other social media platforms STOLE from us---our value.
Are we still going up???
I guess so...(updated to reflect new price of $1.20ea)
Arguably it's people like fuzzy enriching our community. He's done amazing things... and not for reward. Simply because it was the right thing to do.
...and Fuzzy, we're gonna see more of this...
To the Moon!
For real though. The more people that get involved the more amazing and bountiful this platform can become.
man...come on now!
all we get is a www? I'll give you another try. post something that makes SOME sense and i'll upvote.
His imagination is just starting to grow! xDD
21/07/2016 --> 3,75$

hell yeah, we going up up and away
btw what i'm doing here lol
this is STEEM!!!
It is skyrocketing!!!!! Hope to catch this' train' or 'airplaine' to the freeedom!!!
Dan and Ned ought to be considered heroes for investing Steem.
Looking closely at the whitepaper it can go a lot higher than $3.67, higher than $5, higher than $10. It really depends it seems on the amount of users Steem is bringing.
It may even prove a thesis that the value of a cryptocurrency comes from the community and not the code, not the spent electricity, but the community of ordinary people. It might explain why Bitcoin isn't growing like it did when Bitcoins could be mined with a GPU or CPU. It might also explain why Bitshares never caught the mainstream attention.
And to think, the referral program isn't even activated yet. Steem still has the ace card.
LOVE IT!!!!!
forever! )))
Firstly, I lost on ETH & DAO, secondly, I missed the NXT boat.. Lastly... I didn't hop on to the rocket Steem took... God... What kind of luck is this?
I've read that since there is unlimited supply of Steem (thats what I hear), the price is not as sacred as Bitcoin, which has a limited supply.
The only problem here..... I bought non - lol.
just wait
Fortunately, most of us are toward the ground floor of this uprising. I think Steems have the potential to become an international, user-controlled medium of exchange in a way that Bitcoin can never hope to achieve.