7 years ago I wrote 40 rules to follow in life and it changed everything.

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Can you discipline yourself to follow a few for a week, how about to follow all?

Maybe some of them silly, others wise.
Judge for yourself

Here they are

1.) First, take care about your mental and physical health,

2.) Always hire the best people and build the best team in every business,

2.) Have dreams and goals and follow them all the time,

3.) Always grow and develop yourself,

4.) Make your thought, words and actions be in harmony,

5.) Do everything to be in great relationships with all important people

4.) Use all you can to achieve what you want,

6.) Keep everything in perfect order,

7.) Do all things for a clear purpose,

8.) Always challenge yourself,

9.) Follow the rule "as fast as possible" in all areas of my life;

10.) Have special time for work, fun, development, workout etc.

11.) Make a plan before doing anything,

12.) If you want to criticize yourself or someone, first gratitude for 3 things

13.) Be honest with yourself and others

14.) Always do something important, what gives great benefits in the future

15.) Do the most important things first

16.) Always know what you want

17.) If you have to do something important in 5 minutes, do it now,

18.) Present your thoughts short and clear

19.) Every day, make next step and move closer to your goals and dreams

20.) Always ask many questions how, when, where, who, what and many others

21.) Practice what your learn

22.) Always think before talk

23.) Always spend for 30% less than you earn, invest the difference and become richer and richer

24.) Remember, today is the best day of your life

25.) Always think of what is the best, the most important thing you can do right now?

26.) I sincerely help other people,

27.) See positive qualities in people and tell them about it,

28.) Do the worst first

29.) Do everything responsibly in the best way,

30.) Do one task at one point of time

31.) In the morning and evening eat fruits, vegetables, light food

32.) Surround yourself with smart and successful people

33.) Seek for a task and solution, then, take actions and succeed rather than complain

34.) Try not to complain, condemn and criticize. See positive side of life, keep away from negative people.

35.) Keep in mind, there is a solution to every problem, search for it.

36.) Failure is temporary, mistakes are learning experiences. Don’t stop, try again.

37.) Think long term. Don’t waste time trying to get instant gratification.

38.) Be persistent and consistent, never give in. All goals are achievable.

39.) Learn from experts, don't waste time learning from newbies who want to look like experts.

40.) You thoughts becomes your reality. Always think about your goals and dreams and about the things you want to see in your life.

I would write much more now...

To wisely live your life, you need to know much

Just remember two main rules for the beginning:

You better starve, than eat whatever

And better be alone, than with whoever.

Omar Khayyám


Some are really good ones, thanks for sharing.

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