I like the concept @gokulnk. While on Steemit I may not be citing too many sites, I do that on other websites. Imagine the time I would save just by using this idea. I know the concept is not ready outside Steemit (or is it?) but I do look forward to it. 😊
Posted using Partiko Android
Hey oivas the chrome extension can be used across the web. You can just create a public repository of your highlights and link it in your article so that your readers can read further.
For example checkout the public repo we created for an article https://alpha.app.learningpaths.io/#/highlights/public/5cc18de352f42b7457ef6285?search=&inurl:delta
OK, then let me try out too. Seems a cool solution. I will come back if I have any trouble.
Posted using Partiko Android