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RE: Steemjet Records Logo Contest - 5,000 STEEM in prizes + "STEEM HIGH" Logo Contest Results

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

steemjet record1-01.jpg

Sir @dimimp, this is my second entry into the steemjet records logo contest. As seen from the picture, steemjet logo is at the center of the disc, the disc represent steemit. This means that steemjet is the center crux of steemit. I also connected a microphone to the output of the disc, this shows that as steemjet is the center crux of steemit, it makes steemit to move, while the microphone pushes steemjet to the world, so that the world knows about crypto.


Sir @dimimp, this is my third entry into the steemjet logo contests. As seen, the microphone is producing sound notes, coupled with steemjet logo. This means that with steemjet record, steemjet would be known around the globe

I remain your humble and loyal admirer, @okipeter
SF8, hoping to be promoted soon sir.
I love you sir.