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RE: Best $25,000,000 Investment for 2018?

in #steem7 years ago

Jerry, you've convinced me.

I'm going to start buying $250,000 steem every day until I become the number one investor. when I get to the magic $20m I will sell everything, buy an evil scientists lair in the side of a mountain somewhere in the alps and retreat to consider my total domination of the world.

To be honest,

even though I've steemposted every day since MAY and have almost 1200 followers, I still struggle to get a few dollars per post. I do ok with writing competitions though.. usually win something every week. In the meantime, I have found online trading of a multitude of coins to be incredibly interesting and rewarding.

You're right about steemit.

It's the facebookredditgram of the future and anyone here now is a true pioneer. I would imagine my meagre 770 steem will be worth times 10 in less than 5 years. I'm trying to add it up but I also can't help wanting to pop some over into even lower value coins to get a bump off the pump.
I can see your point. Steemit will prevail, many poocoins will disappear.

I also read on medium very compelling evidence to support the theory that bitcoindiamond is a total swizz.

and for the first time ever I noticed tokenspam. 777 useless INSP tokens in my ethereum wallet. This space is beginning to resemble the larger internet with it's clickbait, crappy ads and dodgy websites offering nothing but shennigans. stay frosty. seen as how you wield such a mighty steem sword, perhaps you could write a nice article about the dangers of such dubious and often potentially pocket emptying ventures.
good day !