While I share your concerns, there are actually some great bloggers and actual content writers here.
Yesteday I actually started reading through personal blogs from around 2009 from around random places on the internet and I was amazed by how well written some pieces are. Pieces which were written because the writer had something to say and not because he had to say something.
I do believe that once good content creators start inviting other content creators onto the platform, the curation of more varied, high quality content can be within reach. I know from personal experience that those I have invited here will never write about crypto or Steem developing.
It will be exciting to see for sure.
As a car guy, I personally want great car content to thrive on Steemit, so I've recently started actively curating car building content through @buildthreads. I believe if we all just actively curate the content which is most important for us and ignore the temptation of quick gains, Steemit will be a place for real high quality content.
To quote the third line from my post -
I'm well aware of it. I'm also well aware of many wonderful communities forming. My point is, they need to be supported more.