$STEEM/BTC Daily Poloniex+Bittrex Technical Analysis Update #9 "Are we there yet...?" Aug 8, 2016

in #steem9 years ago

Hello Steemers!

Today only with the $STEEM chart. No altcoin for today unfortunately :(.
After few now volatility days we are finally starting to see some coming back, so lets go!


4 hour Poloniex chart - Aug 7, 2016

4 hour Poloniex chart - Aug 8, 2016

1 day Poloniex chart - Aug 8, 2016
Today the price has pushed down and made a slightly lower new low. Starting to push upwards right after.
The daily chart shows that the price is still within the accumulation zone. Althou the price is still pushing we don't see any significant volume.


4 hour Bittrex chart - Aug 7, 2016

4 hour Bittrex chart - Aug 8, 2016
The Bittrex price touched it's well known low testing it once again and bouncing up for the 3rd time.
Bittrex as well didn't made any significant volume so far, but the day has just begun.


STEEM/BTC volume Bittrex Aug 7, 2016

STEEM/BTC volume Bittrex Aug 8, 2016

STEEM/BTC volume Poloniex Aug 7, 2016

STEEM/BTC volume Poloniex Aug 8, 2016

STEEM indexed global volume Aug 7, 2016

STEEM indexed global volume Aug 8, 2016

Coinmarketcap top volume cryptos Aug 7, 2016

Coinmarketcap top volume cryptos Aug 8, 2016

Although the overall volume more then doubled in comparison to the last 2 day's it's still low considering the history.
Poloniex is clearly showing it's taking the main exchange role from Bittrex.
While the volume on Poloniex more then doubled from 245 BTC to 532 BTC, the Bittrex volume went just from 86 BTC to 95 BTC.

Once again, I will post the comment by commenting as it involves my personal opinion!
Thank you for understanding!

If anyone has any questions or need's help fell free to ask, I will try to explain as fast and as best as I can.
Critics, comments, reply's, counters, advice's, etc. are always welcome!
Have my charts helped you in any way?Let me know with a comment below :)
Are there more people who are doing TA?

I am showing multiple scenarios on the price movement, in the post itself I do not take any stance, either bullish or bearish. I am not responsible for neither you’re winning nor you're losses upon trading! the "comment" section is my personal opinion and does not mean I have to or do hold any positions in the given market.

Kind Regards, OZ :)

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The price is showing some solid support and we seem to have broken the downtrend, will there be more sideways action or a pump straight away, it's very hard to tell, due to high inflation there might be allot more accumulation.
On the other hand if over the course of the next few days the price show's some good increase in volume with solid buy support, we might just be starting to see the next pump.

Nice information

I agree with your analysis @ozmaster

good job

i'am comment sir, thanks you the best mr @ozmaster @ozchartart

@ozmaster Your probably my favorite Steemer because you are very active, and produce quality formulated posts. Thanks for the great service. Needless to say you got my upvote.

Question for you. A couple of days ago you posted a thread about technical analysis, and I commented asking you to explain your Poloniex setup. I got alot of upvotes, and i think it said the payout was ~$400. Thats crazy! I didnt see a payout, can you explain?

My bet is on accumulation for a while still. Great post, your analysis is second to none when it comes to the STEEM charts.

My technical analysis Elliot Wave,I think the price will go to 0.0015, 0.001

Yes, this is chart analysis will help for newcomer to trade on cryptocurrency

 9 years ago  Reveal Comment

Steemit.com will go viral! It creates so many new boundless possibilities. Within the next years it'll be one of the greatest sources to share information! The buy support is very important to keep steady the price.

Hi great analysis @ozmaster, I totally agree with you @simon.braki.love, the possibilities are limitless, the increasing number of new users is impressive, which in my opinion will increase the trade volume gradually, steemit is still in a stage of growth comparable to the early bitcoin, I'm sure that steem will take one of the most important places in the history of crypto currency.

Thanks man!

ANOTHER awesome post by the OZ. Glad to see you're keeping these posted regularly! You've been pretty accurate so far, keep it up.

Thanks man! will try to keep it up and hopefully get better as time progresses :)

Jeff is powering Up...

I had

TradingView Image@ozchartart Nice work man like always. Here's what

Did you ever check out that volume book ?
Take it easy man

hey, sorry was away yesteday, jsut found time to comment now, rly full day and its already 5 am hahaha,, i did check it out, didn't read it, but i thought i commented on the post where u first showed it to me, it's definitly on my to read list!

Great analysis oz, i agree and think we may see even faster growth then expected due to all the media attention with the playmate , @dollarvigilante and @lukewerarechange etc joining.. Excited :)

Steemit will go viral in a few months from now. The pageviews per user for Steemit was more than Twitter, Reddit, and even Facebook for most of July! The peaks even beat Amazon, and in fact, one of the peaks of the Steemit data even beats Google! Also, time spent by each user on Steemit is more than both Amazon's and Twitter's. In fact, Steemit's time spent by user is almost twice that of Twitter's. Source: Alexa.com

This is excellent and highly informative analysis @ozchartart ! I'm excited to see the price of steem going up and the SBD getting closer in value to an actual dollar as the market confidence in steem grows.

Very well done again!
Thanks for sharing the charts!

Thanks allot and no problem at all!
I always like to share my charts and hear opinions and critics!

Thanks for the analysis @ozchartart did you know, why bitcoins is usually down in August every year ? @ozchartart @ozmaster

Do you think we will drop below 1$ sooN?
if you like check my infos about account creations skyrocketing on steemit https://steemit.com/steemit/@dowha/steemit-account-creations-per-day-is-skyrocketing

Downvoted because I don't believe these posts are worth near the value this one sits at. I'd rather see more posting rewards go towards non-Steem posts. Nothing personal OZ, and my vote doesn't weigh much in comparison to your post's pending payout.

Won't take it personal but as u did drop ur 2 cents i might mine as well, not targeted on u but the whole community,
if downvotes are used in order to purposly devalue a post, even thou there is nothing wrong with the content,
steemit won't go far.
P.S. sry for the very late reply was on the road the whole day no internet access

the real sad thing i see to this, which i found out a bit later, u just did a minus on my ozchartart repuation, which ever used any plagiated or just purely dumb content,, not cool man

The reputation system I am still getting to understand, but it looks like as long as you are positive there's not much to worry about. It was not my intention to reduce your reputation points.

@ozchartart, I agree with your comment. It's about time that Steem went to the moon!

Peaple get to high payments on steemit i think. And they sell it all out the dollar or bought steem. I think that is the main reason for no growht bigg. Every day i watch my estimate value it fell lower and lower. It is bad that this coin or dollar actualy goes uppwoards. It dont help us when all sell all dollar/steem in so such bigg size ewery day.

Thanks for the technical analysis, good to see a solid base forming. Power Up for the long term!

Oz, great work as usual. I know nobody wants to here this but I'm not confident in continued resistance and we might continue to trend down until we are somewhere near a buck. Any positive announcement from the developers could reverse it. You know what traders are like.

Thanks cryptobarry! true the price does need to show a change very soon , we are at the same levels for some solid time period now, although the buys and the support seem pretty strong, the sellers are not giving them breath!

Great data here, thanks for sharing. Upvoted!

Thanks! no problem at all, will try and provide some usefull info each day!

Holy cow man how long did this take to pull together. Tons of great info, thank you

@ozmaster this is very insightful analysis and gives many people the opportunity to trade from an educated position. Thanks for taking the time to bring us such detailed and through posts everyday.

You are adding readers and value to the ecosystem daily. Content like this DRIVES GROWTH. This is a huge help for us Steemiters and crypto traders and I have recommended your charts to some other polo folks I know. I would love to see an analysis on the $SBD market sometime. Keep up the great work. Cheers PJ

I'll also be blessing the community with my daily TA!
I think you guys should check it out.
Hint: I'm a numbers guy ;)

OZ, what do you think of the huge spike in Cryptonite (XCN) that happened today? I am looking to start trading some altcoins and I found your analysis here on #steemit very interesting. Thanks!

I'll have to take a closer look into that one :) Will let you know, and you will see definitely.

If you invest into XCN blindly you will loss a lot of money. Wait for a huge down trend to happen before you buy. Make sure that the order book is growing, you don't want to buy into it when everyone is pulling out when the pump is over...recipe for disaster.

i think this is the time to buy steem

EXCELLENT!! Voted up.
Thanks for the work. MUCH appreciated.

Steemit.com creates so many new boundless possibilities.
The price is showing some solid support, if over the course of the next days the price show's some good increase in volume with solid buy support. Within the next years it'll be one of the greatest sources to share information. The buy support is very important to keep steady the price.

"Steemit.com creates so many new boundless possibilities."
"Within the next years it'll be one of the greatest sources to share information. "
"The buy support is very important to keep steady the price. "

are you serious ?? Do you think nobody notice you

copy and pasting?????

Awesome post man, made me buy some STEEM. :) Let's go to the moon with the doges.

great posting and analist, keep posting bro :)

Why is your trendline upwards? I don't think a trending average extending from the initial pump is accurate.

All things remaining equal, the price should fall relative to the net buy pressure divided by the dilution, assuming an efficient market.

However the coin is so young, I don't think any price prediction is prudent.

I would not be suprised to see another pump when STEEM goes sub $2 or sub $1; by whomever backed this project in the first place.

thnx for sharing this graf

XD waw ...i just know from this post...thank you bro :)

@ozchartart following you now, thanks for the update!

Thanks for the follow!
I hope u will find it clicks and time well spent on reading!

Good job, thank you very much!!

Love your work, man. Excellent as always. I am thinking the bottom is in, and it's time to start climbing again. It's an exciting time to be in on this.

Thanks allot chalidore!
The bottom seems to be solid, but let's not all hope for a moonshot just yet, how the platform itself, so the market as well is in a beta.
And a solid beta takes time to test

Well, i have to say that i just have fall down from my chair.
Shit man, you did a fucking nice job over here!

I was into forex for a long time , but i never did technical analysis- i was always scalping, so it was pretty hard for me, i need other people to do it for me.
BAM! You step over here man,now i have technical analysis, i dont have to fight with myself to make one.

OZ top poster! Im glad that steemit is going viral haha, cant wait already!

It really means allot reading a positive comment from a forex trader!
Appreciated the support and comment!
Hope you keep reading and giving feedback be it how to improve or anything else!

Great info Oz, this helps explain the ups and downs of the day in detail.

nice post and good analys, thanks @ozchartat

Awesome bro good to see you doing these!

Good chart ! Thank for info update daily. @ozchartart

Great post Oz!

it seems like the bottom is in..the consolidation is over..time to BREAKOUT now !! Ladies and gentlemen, we got a runner!

nice post, this can learning material for my trading :)

keep posting @ozchartart

Thanks! and thanks for commenting and encouraging to keep on the work :)

The price is falling and will fall again, it looks just somebody dont want to see the price below 2$. But we will see. Hope the best for steem!

good posting very helpful to me :) @ozchartart

I think we'll see a price jump somewhere around Sep 15th to Oct 15th.

Just a prediction.

Combined with your technical analysis and current posts, I think the price have to brake the support line. Somebody want it to be, following with panic sell maybe but after Steemit adjusted itself ready to the world price will shoot up like crazy.
Let's see.

I don't know about those graphs but if you go check on google you can see that the steem is in the top 3 top krypto currencies. It's pretty cool to be part of something new and up and coming. Just posted my first 'introduce yourself' blog too. Right on. :)

Not really getting it, can some one explain please??

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