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RE: The Difference Between A Graveyard and A Cemetery…

in #steem7 years ago

Nice photos. Which do you prefer hunting ghosts in? Sometimes when i go to the cemetery it feels like i am going up in a plane because my ears start popping and my chest feels like it has a weird weight on it . Do you ever feel weird things when you hunt ghosties?


Thanks paigemoore! I prefer cemeteries because they are larger in size. I always say that ghosts don't just hang out in I have gotten pictures in my backyard and I have seen some crazy stuff but only really got scared and wanted to not stay far.

I like cemeteries too deerjay Crazy stuff abounds when we really start paying attention. I was bourne with unnatural abilities so i am accustomed to being called crazy :P is always nice to find others who are aware of such things. Attachments will definitely follow us home, and then there are some who just stay around us. Excited to see your pics. Your reply made me decide to release an article i made on Necromancy when people in a group were calling it "evil" if you'd like to check it out.

Sometimes smudging with white sage is a good idea before heading home. FYI..loved your article!

Thanx for your reply deerjay :) You are correct about white sage when we don't want to be followed. I LOVE the "Imaginaries" because They don't call me (or think) i am crazy and stuff like some people do. In Voodoo/Hoodoo they cover the head in a white cloth when working with the dead because they say spirits attach to the hair, but i don't follow rules ;) Thanks for reading my blog. Some of my writing is spiritual channeling stuff because we don't like seeing people charge for what Spirit freely gives us at this time when so many are working to make the world better. Blessed Be )O(

The dead aren't nearly as scary as some of the living...wars etc...