It flashed on and off the screen earlier today, but I'm hoping that it's here to stay now that it appears to be back.
What exactly am I talking about?
It appears to be another solid step forward for the ever-changing steemit community. So many have been working so hard to uphold the integrity and reputation of steemit, and all the while so many others have been working hard at trying to manipulate and hustle the steemit system. There's been quite a battle going on behind the scenes for some time now, and most users are aware of it because of what gets displayed on the surface.
First off, with both a positive and negative possibility for a reputation, it helps newer users understand when they are most likely dealing with spam bots. If a username has a (-6) after it, you can be pretty sure you're not dealing with a real person, and if you are, you may not want to be. Something that the user has been up to has lead those in charge to attribute a negative reputation to that username. Most likely, spam is the cause. It is important to remember that the number assigned did not cause the bad reputation, but rather the other way around. Also, a reputation can be changed, so if you've wound up with a (-6) behind your name and have no idea why, I would ask.
Additionally, having a public reputation encourages honesty and integrity in the community. Thinking of posting an image that you did not take for a photo contest? How will that affect your reputation when you are found out? To spend serious time working on worthwhile and honest posts is one way to earn a positive reputation. A public reputation number encourages diligence and perseverance, and deters spam and plagiarism.
If you've seen any of my posts before, you'll know that proof of the originality of my work is important to me, because whether I have a posted, public reputation or not, my reputation still matters.
Personally, I hope the reputation rating system in here to stay, and I also hope that someone on the inside will soon take the time to explain it a little more in depth for us.
We really do need a reputation system. It will become a foundational part later-on when we can establish a more complete identity in Steemit. These capabilities will help those of us who want to earn a reputation for creating good content. I am ecstatic this has been implemented. Even in a basic form of it, is a serious step-up!
I absolutely agree with you mrosenquist. Also, now there is incentive for profiles with a lower reputation to try and build up their reputation.
I find reputation systems a generally good idea, there are some very good examples for reputation systems like which lets the user consolidate his web presence to build a reputation. A system needs to be accurate and unbiased.
I find the communication around how things work on steem a bit lacking, I hope devs don't think that hiding the algorithms in code is a way to prevent abusing the rules.
I hope we continue to see new features rolled out as quick as they have been. Steemit has the serious early working product advantage here.
Yes, nice to see the head shed trying to clean up some of the crap bots and comments.
Nice one and it is a great addition...btw hopefully your seeds arrive in my mailbox soon, looking forward to them.
Mailed them last week, hopefully you'll have them tomorrow. If you do not get them please let me know, and I will resend. I liked your graffiti down at Venice Beach, it's been like 15 years since I've been out there, but good to see that it got its first STEEMIT logo, thanks to you and your son.
Thanks man, yeah we are going to hit as many of the beaches as we can, although not sure if i can this week, i got very bad sunburn, not use to this california sun and i have sensitive skin...but will be definitely the weekend after...and no worries i am sure they will arrive:)
Thanks for entering both of my seed giveaways. Hope you'll be able to grow some delicious and nutritious food for yourself and your boy, all for free!!!
Great post I just finished reading danthman 's post.
hereLooks like @dantheman is already working on answering some questions. Check out his brief on the reputation scores . Thanks @dantheman !
comments too. Seeing "nice post" never got my juices flowing.I completely agree with you @papa-pepper - even though I'm new to Steemit, I'm not new to writing. Integrity and consistency is EVERYTHING. I'm pretty happy about having a 5 score being that I've only been around for about 2 weeks. It means I'm in a happy medium in the algorithm...and I'm okay with that. Hopefully people will start waking up and writing decent
If by "happy medium in the algorithm" you mean that you're content to be in the middle, you're mistaken. Remember, there are negative numbers as well. I've only seen reputations as high as (9) so far, so a (5) is great, as far as a steemit reputation is concerned, though each number appears to be 10X more than the previous (i.e. (-6) is 10x worse than (-5) and (6) is 10X stronger than (5)) according to the explanation offered by @dantheman
True that. My happy medium is from the perspective of a 2-week old newbie with no cryptocurrency background. The goal is to keep increasing my reputation score and develop my audience because this is the first time in....EVER that I've seen a content forum have built-in sustainability. I commented on Dan's post earlier with this hashtag #LongLiveSteem
From what he commented, every post, comment and upvote tweaks that score. Hopefully there will be a little more transparency about how it works so we know how to keep our rep scores climbing.
I also agree that for those serious about adding value to steem and being rewarded, reputation is critical. If people have negative reputations, hopefully nobody will pay much attention to their posts or comments. You have the power to increase or decrease your reputation. People who almost always add something to a post or comment should receive a higher reputation. I wonder if some sort of bonus reward can be proposed for keeping a certain high reputation number in the future. Along with the number a fish representing steempower, and a few other statistics should be allowed to be rewarded. This should help people who really wish to be successful from posting negative or hateful comments or posts anywhere.
I love that this system exists, but I also hope that new users will still have their content viewed and not be discouraged by only a select few receiving any love from the community.
Yes, I asked after search and read some posts.
I NO robot woke up to (-5) reputation - depress and almost give on on steemit.
after my last post, went from (-5) to (4) to now (5).
thanks, feeling better.
Think I'll get this comment up over here as well:
Just read the post and its great! I would actually add a link to this post under my Post at change # 7. but editing is a no go anymore... I think anyway, that's what I've been told.
Actually @dantheman if your around, which it seems you are currently.. whats the deal with multiple edits to a post? Bad, or no big deal if its only a few?
Thanks Again!
I'm curious about this too. While some behaviour is obviously good and bad, others are perhaps grey areas.
I hope the reputation system helps to benefit real contributors!
I have a bad reputation ( - 6) at the moment. Don't know why because I post original stuff, I post original songs, i don't spam or bot. If one person can ruin your reputation simply cause they're richer and don't like your stuff, that's pretty stupid.