16000 BitCoin were just moved from MtGox wallet to 4 different wallets earlier today. I’m sure you saw it in the news, but if the market follows the pattern of the last dump of fund from MtGox wallets, prices are liable to slide into the shitter again. Hope not, Ive not seen any info on why they were moved. The lawyer representing the bankruptcy is in charge of the funds and dispersing them to who were robbed. I hope this move is for that intention and it doesn’t come to light that guy just dump a crap ton of BitCoin and hauls ass.
eventually all the Mt.Gox coins will have been dispersed..
then we'll be confronted with something else to panic about.
Tether for example.
Yeah I’m very wary of tether, supposedly back by a 1:1 ration to the USD. I’m not quite educated enough on the altcoin overall, but from what i have read I find it to a bit more of a coin I’m stand offish from. Fiat was supposed to be back by gold and we see how that ended up. Not to get you to have to go out of your way too much, but whats you opinion on tether, or maybe you could point me to a few good articles.
I don't have any articles on tether I could point you at right off the bat.
but if I recall there is one exchange (bitfinex?...why do all exchange names sound so much the same?)..who got their wrist slapped preeeety hard. They seem to be in bed with tether.
I'd avoid it at all costs..
Thanks for the info MR Mickey!
you're welcome.
when you think tether think 'fiat backed by gold'...
that's pretty much it.