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RE: Join me in flagging @haejin - 46k in ABUSE REWARDS

in #steem7 years ago

For all those posting that @haejin deserves everything he gets... he certainly appears to be gaming the system. Instead of those little short posts multiple times a day, he could do maybe a morning and evening report sharing the same info.

Then that big upvote may seem more justified than the 8 or 10 times a day they are going on now. Interesting that his benefactor bought in six months ago, stays pretty much inactive in all that time and then suddenly in the last few days starts upvoting just @haejin who also seemed to increase his posting rate.

There in lie the problems and why the flags are hitting.


starting to think berniesanders just starts shitstorms and walks away. so i am walking away, this isn't my fight, he doesn't even stand here and fight.

fuck this. sorry all. i'll only ever support that which i fully understand.

Because he has a lot of followers and his TA is on steemit. If you do not have twitter account but someone you want to follow has a twitter account you create one just for his tweets, make sense ?


only BIG MEN say sorry. Priceless. Do me a favour and send Haejin a Thumbs up... he'd appreciate it. what he's calling. He just got the BTS rise down to a 30 min window. It might not be your game but he's genius.

i did go to one of his posts and apologize, congratulated him on not being negative himself. If he is right, I hope he wins out. I don't feel I have the right to judge, and well, I just felt bad this morning when I woke up. Jumping on bandwagons is bad.

...but HE is, that's the point. I'm just another guy that set up an account here to follow his posts. Still learning everything this platform has to offer, and so far it's great. Reward may seem large, but know that he is bringing people to the platform and even if they don't contribute "value" as you put it, people they know might.

We are not zombies but genuine followers. The point of steemit is having as much blogs as possible and as much people as possible, haejin is just taking thousands of people from twitter/youtube here. Wait some time and his followers will begin to post too, maybe even about other subjects and that will be a really valuable effect on steemit. Think before going to war or you could lose it. And again, not the fault of haejin if he has made one the most interresting and valuable blog of steemit ...

i hear you. i am sorry. i will never follow berniesanders again. this man doesn't even stand here and fight. he just leads witch hunts and destroys, never seen him build.

Guess who also joined 6 months ago?

go watch 'the red pill' it is basically exactly about how feminism does this to the men's rights movement.

i think i made a mistake, i'm removing my downvotes.

explain to me what this berniesanders builds, not what he destroys.

and all he has done is remove upvotes from legit users, downvotes drain your resource pool.

No he could not because then WE, his followers would find it extremely difficult to find the posts/cryptos that we need to reference when it is time to sell.
@haejins blog is a library that many followers use every day, and so It MUST BE SEPARATED in different posts for each crypto analysis! Sorry.

you could just directly say that to him instead of flagging him . i came to steemit because of his analysis .

Many people came to steemit directly for his analysis. I've been far more interested in steemit because of his analysis.

Yes, many people who have never posted, bought any steem, or powered anything up. Until today. Seems to me like this is nothing but a huge shill factory. I'd call you a shill, but you're too ignorant.

Can we bring back the n2 now?
There was definitely less self voting,...
And a 50mvest upper limit?
On the honor system?

A sigmoid reward curve would be interesting, too. That made self-voting less attractive but would also prevent extremely high payouts because it is getting flat in the end again.

Apart from that 'diminishing returns' would make self-voting less attractive as well.

Stinc, et al, doesnt care, that i can tell.

Been going on from the beginning.


I reckon he's a toy analyst - he just makes ridiculous EW "calls" in bull markets. If he's done so well, he doesn't need jack from the rewards pool. Simple.

Shill ? It is TA , you probably don't know that . This is not some Pump & Dump thing . anyway you could have talked it out with him , whatever your concerns were . Why did you just flagged him before giving any reason ? You should have contacted him and raise your concerns like a grown men .

Yep, many did, and now the Steemit Mafia is attacking us. Good work team Steemit. We can just go private, and say fuck this place. Yall can get your piddly little 1 SBD for bot payouts, while real content moves to another site.

Stop fucking spamming.

I have upvote you, now it you're turn.

jk, haha

Ok, I'll give you a vote for that. :)

I know I should downvote you just for asking an upvote, but I do not know how to do it ... You are lucky :-)

I don't care if he's getting me daily knob shines from Jennifer Lawrence. He doesn't deserve to make 600k/month. No one on the planet is worth that much. Well maybe Jennifer Lawrence.

lol Jennifer Lawrence hahaha

Genuine LOL at daily knob shining from Jennifer Lawrence.

Bernie sanders posting frequency:
23 hours ago
yester day
2 days
6 days
7 days
10 days
12 days
12 days
16 days
16 days
19 days
20 days

12 posts in 20 days your guys posts that many times in 2 days, please STFU

It's a blogging website owned by a corporation. There is nothing "free market"about that.

Actually the Steem system isn't just a website. You can access and post to Steem without going to Steemit. Take a look at or chain BB, or esteem. Steemit != Steem

it's very clear his posting rate increased to take advantage of as many whale votes as he could get. He could share the same information a couple of times a day and be just as effective.

He dedicates each post to ONE crypto so that his blog may be used as a referencing library by his followers! I came to Steemit because of @haejin, and have introduced many people to Steemit because of him. Everything he does is for his followers, @haejin is an asset to Steemit, not a problem!

Say's someone who doesn't participate in any way on Steemit except to hump one person, has 18 followers and hasn't made a single post. You aren't here to be a part of the community, you are here for the same reason as chart boy. To get rich quick.