There was something in the original post by @berniesanders that bothered me.
I could not put my finger on exactly what it was, so I reread the post, looked at the pics he posted of @haejin again etc. This thing gnawing at me, whatever it was continued to elude me, but I knew it was there.
It was one of those things you initially see, but your brain does not register until some time later when your involved with an unrelated task. Like trying to remember an old movie title; days later it will just pop in your head for no apparent reason.
Today, while looking at charts for some alt coins it hit me. It's the comma in the image of @haejin that was bothering me.
So I checked my own http://steem.supply/@pawsdog account to see how well I'm not doing, and sure enough I had a serious punctuation related epiphany.
If I go back to the original post by @berniesanders
and open the actual image link..
There is an odd comma after the 6 in regards to percentage of the rewards pool that @haejin is receiving. The placement is odd as it makes it read as 6,7149% instead of 6.7149%
So I pulled http://steem.supply/@haejin to see for myself what occurs when a whole number precedes the expected period in rewards payout as perhaps it may be an unexpected glitch by the programmers not expecting anyone to actually exceed an entire percentage point of the rewards pool.
Nope, as expected its a period which makes sense.
So I zoomed in...and decided to overlay them next to each other.

At this point I could see the one Bernie posted is a bit darker, which could likely be related to whatever method he used to save his; versus the method I used (PrntSceen/Paint) and proves nothing.
This comma business made me somewhat concerned in regards to the integrity of the original image. So I decided to go in, way in, 300 times or more zoom where I find that there is at least 1 pixel of spacing between every numeric character save the spacing between the 6 and the mystery comma. At which point the pixels forming lower right corner of the 6 overlap the upper left corner of the pixels related to the comma.

This again does not definitively prove anything as I am looking at an image of an image and the inconsistency may lie with that.
So I decided to investigate further and simply do the math and figure out where, if anywhere, the 6 could of come from. The rewards fund standing per the image bernie posted was $2,147,847.00 USD. 6 percent of that would be $128,870.82. I could not find anywhere that @haejin (while his current rewards are a bit ridiculous) approached the number actually required to achieve 6%. Granted I am not privy to how the algorithms are applied by steem.supply to make their calculations and print the HTML to the screen. Regardless I was still no closer to an answer as to where the 6 came from or the comma that followed it.
Remaining objective I began to consider the possibilities and narrowed it down to the three most likely candidates:
- There was some weird one off site glitch that occurred during the seconds that Bernie captured the image
- Incorrect mathematical algorithm being applied on steem.suppy
- The photograph was manipulated or altered in some way to profit the author by substantiating his message.
So I went back to the current http://steem.supply/@haejin to manually do the math and see if the figures are actually off all the time, but no one has actually taken the time to do the math on the big numbers, and just takes them at face value.
Current | http://steem.supply/@haejin |
Rewards Pool Total | $2,069,959 |
Haejins Payout: | $41,990.00 |
Percentage listed: | 2.0285 |
So I did the math.. $2,060,959 x .020285 = |
The numbers and percentages added up, so they are not off all the time or that I can find. So I decided to dig a bit deeper and run the math backwards based on the numbers from the image provided by Bernie. In doing so I got .021863 or 2.1863%, not 6,7149 and still no comma.
Image provided by @Berniesanders of http://steem.supply/@haejin | https://steemit-production-imageproxy-thumbnail.s3.amazonaws.com/U5dtC5UtoH9DwBvCaoQsaxeLMoiGCBy_1680x8400 |
Rewards Pool Total | $2,147,847 |
Haejins Payout: | $46,960 |
Percentage listed: | 6,7149 |
So I did the math.. $46,960 divided by $2,147,847 = | .021863 or 2.1863% and still no comma DO NOT MATHEMATICALLY VALIDATE The figures from the image @berniesanders provided |
So in conclusion, as I am not a forensic photograph analyst, I cannot decisively state that the original image provided by @berniesanders was manipulated or modified to be more inflammatory and deceive his followers so as to increase post traffic and consequently his earnings.
What I can say objectively and without taking any side on the issue is that:
I can find no other instances of a comma being used in the display of a users reward percentage following the whole number to delineate it from any fractional values that follow.
The percentage value in the image provided by @berniesanders does not mathematically validate.
I can find no other instance of http://steem.supply calculating an incorrect percentage value. Only in this single instance, per the image provided by @berniesanders, do all other values display correctly (total, payout etc) yet the percentage payout is mathematically incorrect relative to the other values on the same page used to calculate it.
The comma usage in the image provided by @berniesanders breaks the standard formatting rules I see currently displayed on steem.supply when listing the percentage of rewards pool to be paid out.
The comma key and period key are adjacent to one another on a standard keyboard increasing the likelihood of typographical errors when a typist desires to use one and mistakenly uses the other.
not making mathematical sense which is irrefutable.Perhaps the site software was updated or someone decided to use a calculator as opposed to an abacus since bernie posted his image? I am unsure, but I have to default to the figures in the image provided by @berniesanders
Is this proof of wrong doing or photo manipulation to make the image more inflammatory? Nope
Is this proof of a successful attempt to incite and unite the masses to a single cause so as Bernie could benefit financially from a busy high paying post based on deceit? Nope.
There may of been a glitch with the site at the time bernie pulled the information, but the formatting error and incorrect mathematical calculations provided in the image by bernie do concern me.
Again, I have no dog in the fight and am simply pointing out formatting and mathematical inconsistencies provided by one user as evidence of wrong doing by another.
If anyone could provide a plausible explanation to explain these inconsistencies perhaps we could open a ticket or contact the administrators of steem.supply to alert them that their site displays erroneous figures and formatting on occasion.
As provided by @moeknows it appears as though it was a site glitch inline with one of the possibilities I mentioned above.
That aside while I am glad members of the community investigated the issue and used the information provided to make their own decisions it does not (in my opinion) excuse the overtly aggressive lack of diplomacy displayed by @berniesanders. To that end I have commented below and offered him the opportunity to display a better side, to man up and to demonstrate a few of the traits inherent to all leaders.

I suggest you retract your false claim that I manipulated that image immediately. What you are spreading is a lie and I have the means to ensure you stop spreading lies about me. You have 12 hours.
Actually, it was markymark who first posted that. Isn't that right?
Yes that is a fact these morons have overlooked. It wasn’t even my image. Hahahahahaha
Once you append an image to a post it becomes yours and you own it. So I cannot agree with the statement that "It wasn't even my image hahahaha".
If I posted illegal content in the form of an image, regardless of whether or not I produced it originally, I still have to own it as I published it an put it out there. If a lack of attention to detail on your behalf caused the issue, then you still must own it. If your tendency to be heavy handed and abusive as opposed to diplomatic and discuss the issue created backlash or gained this humble author some notoriety you must own that as well.
I am glad that you seem to have been vindicated in this instance. How about that, free thought and unbiased investigative journalism at work.
Let this post provide proof positive that a community can come together to find a solution instead of tearing each other down. A community can have opposing opinions and work together instead of using their influence to threaten, bully and abuse others.
While you seem to have been cleared it does not erase other aspects of your behavior that could be seen as abusive, it does absent any information to the contrary provide evidence enough that you did not manipulate the image.
As I am an honorable individual, in light of these new facts I have made the appropriate changes to the article.
Now the question becomes..
Are you going to man up, remove your down votes on this article?
Are you going to show some humility and civility by doing the right thing to remove your downvotes from my other unrelated articles that were down voted by you out of pure spite?
I mean I would certainly appreciate an upvote for my hard work and for being fair in my article, updating as new information beccame available or even an apology.. but I doubt those are within your moral reach.. But do prove me wrong. Show us that perhaps under the hood of the profit machine your are building there does lie a human being man enough to admit his mistakes and demonstrate just a few of the traits necessary to be a leader.
Also please do not come on my posts and call my viewership "morons". All are free to have their opinions and those with dissenting opinions are not "morons". They are people that want to be heard, that want to be validated, and are utilizing this platform to build relationships.
You are exhibiting the exact way some of these childish whales could learn to behave.
Thanks, I think.. I took it as a compliment.
YEah, I mean, talk it out is more likely to achieve some lasting resolution right?
Bernie Sanders, there is no hope for you, only pain, and hell.
Hello @berniesanders sir . I respect you and your initiatives here on Steemit . It seems that as pointed out here by a commentator, the comma is a bug on the software and you're right and the image isn't manipulated. It seems logical that the incosistency in the later figure being 1% instead of 6% figure might as well be casued due to the downvotes on the haejin's account. https://steemit.com/steem/@dragosroua/steem-supply-update-removed-ads-interface-cleanup-bug-fixing
"It's a capital mistake to theorize before one has enough data" -Sherlock holmes
But @pawsdog also hasn't accused you of anything here on this Steemit blog post. He has left all the options open and he hasn't jumped to any conclusions. I believe @pawsdog has followed the above principle and hasn't delivered any accussations.
I know a lot of people do not speak up in the fear of being flagged but this isn't anyone's mistake. As curious human beings, we'll raise questions on anything that doesn't seem to be in line .
:) Merry Christmas! Please remove the downvotes as the issue is resolved and @pawsdog here will update the post.
I agree with you @coinsutra, but I don't think you fully understand how diplomacy works.
if @pawsdog does removes the proven wrong statements first - and declare the truth in his Post, then @berniesanders should remove his downvotes and if he chooses upvote @pawsdog to encourage him to keep on Steeming!
I'm up-voting @pawsdog up and down this post, but at the same time I know that everyone is responsible for the words they choose no mattter how theoretical or neutral they claim to be.
I suggest both of them talk in peace and shake hands if this is just a bug on the site
Up-voted you as an encouragement @coinsutra :)
Lmao. "You better stop doing what I do to other people otherwise I'll do something to you!"
This is the Eric Cartman equivalent of REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
I love you bernie. You make me smile. You really do. Absolutely a gem.
Yes, lol.
And we have to 'RESPECT HIS AUTHORITY !!!'
You make me laugh, thank you!!
Now this is exciting stuff :)
Thank you
bernie, u should consider going on a vipassana meditation retreat, it could help you find more peace in your life:D
"I have a means to ensure you stop spreading lies about me"
You sound like a pissed off twelve year old screaming at his computer. Keep it up, super entertaining!
I deny consent to those demons inhabiting you. If you continue to attack me those demons will suffer the consequences of their actions against a non-willing participant. There is no deadline, this consent is denied immediately and for all time.
You are such a joke man? :D
Calm down. Pawsdog did say "Is this proof of wrong doing or photo manipulation to make the image more inflammatory? Nope"
Guys, stop this blame game and non-sense. It is free market. Please let us create a forum of value rather than running after the SteemIt votes. Sick!! Please stop!
Have anyone seen a Virgin-Troll before??
Bernie 'Retard' Sanders. Haejin is our Mentor. You need to back off, lest we use everything at our disposal to punish your wrong doings.
really ? and what are you going to do after that 12 hours? you are threatening people online now? Learn to mind your own business for once Sanders , you fucking idiot ! If you can slander people . allow others to return the favour to you !
Why don't you stop being a POS?
@berniesanders lol
>threats on the internet
AHAHHAHAHAH que bundão viado
Well I say you are a cunt. Do I also have 12 hours?? No because you know I am right. You are a CUNT
Regardless of what virtual strength you have on this platform, or how strong you look through a plastic screen, in reality, I really wish you the best, because your posts and replies are a reflection of what you are, "you have 12 Hours" , "I have the means", and I can only imagine the worst. I wish you to have a good life, and spend less time on that chair. These are signs of misery man, wake up from your slumber and gain some awareness, breathe some fresh air and do not become the scrooge of Steemit, no matter how tough you think you are here, one day someone else will come and make you do his dirty laundry, stay on the good side of people so one day if you need them, they are there beside you. May peace be with you.
Wow so many downvotes by mr tough guy @berniesanders, instead of just replying to my message as an adult discussion, chose to be a cry baby and down vote, the fact that you used that many bots to downvote my comment, proves that it pissed you off enough and touched many valid points too, I dont need to be a whale to be tough, I have brains and morals, you have, what is that?.. nothing? I have a mystery snail in my aquarium if you are interested, it could keep you company. Hence I did not flag your illiterate reply to this post, just to show who is the naughty boy here, no candy for you.
@berniesanders if you really thought he was lying you could defend your name with facts!
And what would you say to the people, why should they belive you? You showed that you have no honor already and now you were caught up on spreading misinformation in order to damage the income of other people. You shold just shut down and take responsibilities. Instead you choose to intimidate others. Shame on you.
@berniesanders you're a dick!!!
@rawdawg Instead of downvoting, how about you debate the issue or provide insight as to the facts. I'm all about building relationships and debating any issue or acting in a transparent matter as opposed to lurking in the shadows downvoting and running away...
I've spread my upvote for you @rawdawg, I've been observing for last two months now and I can tell you that you have the diplomatic ingredients to be really successful and do well here. Keep up the investigation and the straight talk, but do know when to discuss and when to apologize.
You either have to be humble here or be out-spoken, just like in life I suppose.
Well done!
I agree, and it is an odd role that I have to play here as I am not a steemit whale. So I have to go outside of my actual role in life and walk a fine line on steemit between aggressive go getter and humble minnow. In real life, beyond this keyboard, I typically try diplomacy initially with bullies like Bernie, give them a chance to walk away, no hard feelings let bygones be bygones. If they continue then I will escalate accordingly and if it turns physical, well... https://steemit.com/life/@pawsdog/jujitsu-the-other-stuff-i-do-in-my-free-time-when-not-stuck-to-charts
In business I am the same, I will try and carve a fair deal, but if I think someone is underestimating my resources, trying to play big wallet take small wallet, or take me for the fool. Then I will likewise place enough of my pieces on the board so as to dispel any rumors the person across the table may have as to my capabilities.
Above all I treat people with respect and initially allow them to set the tone of an engagement. I lead, I encourage but I do not ever under any circumstance step on the backs of others to reach the next plateau
You fail to understand that Bernie is using a different social approach.
I see that, bullying and intimidation seem to be the word of the day
People are hijacking the scenario to market themselves, thats the way steemit works. Bernie is in his element here.
Haejin's blog is basically dead now... what was it about ?
Ah, crypto something. Not sure, does anyone remember ?
I'm actually getting independent from technical analysts, I survived the holidays well on the exchanges, without any posts in this kindergarten.
Also there's more and better info on youtube if you look at it closely.
I had been thinking that this was already contained within my erstwhile comment. Happy marketing.
I love it when you interact with a member and you can tell that they are a bright individual right from the start. :) "erstwhile".. solid word... sounds like my flavor of vernacular
I've copy and pasted to escape the flagging.
We shall see...ridiculous for sure..
I'm glad that somone posted an analysis of that suspect 6% rewards pool, first impression of that was that it was way high based on his actual rewards, the following discussion was helpful as well
No problem, thank you so much for your input and comments. I as well thought the figure seemed to be a bit suspect.
I think it there is a slight indication of foul play here if @berniesanders is going to flag your post and not even bother to comment. Even if the answer was already provided he has every reason to say so.
I saw someone call him out on this disappearing act that he pulls. he basically incites a riot and then goes back into the shadows. Doesn't care to join the debate, just proceeds to downvote anyone that disagrees with his agenda. I also recall this 6.7% being talked about a few days ago. Scanning the comments now to try and find what I'm looking for but it is not easy. It's like I need to start screen capturing everything I read.
Not sure if someone mentioned the comma specifically but they mentioned the 6.7% being wrong.
I noticed the comma too. I took it as an error or something. It certainly bothered me. Your observation makes me curious and more uncertain about this comma.
I was scrolling through his feed the other day and saw that he had resteemed this someone jokingly revealing his identity
So clearly he's not the presidential candidate, and it bothers me as to why he would want to use that name. Seems like people are blindly following a ghost.
It appears that some see him as some steemit hero but only if you agree with him. (Look up "How to get offended") Some type of Robin Hood hiding behind a popular name? It was only a matter of time I guess.
Downvoted by @randowhale and crushed again, for expressing an opinion. Internet bullying at its finest. Even so far as to down vote unrelated posts... sad, very sad..
Just repeating again :)
And if you were not downvoted, then @ranchorelaxo would not have upvoted you even higher. Getting you new prestige, new recognition, more loyal followers (like myself) then you will ever see without all these tumult and backlash happening.
I've only up-voted myself so you can see IT (again and again) until you become the strength that we all need here.
I see great potential here to become a great Steemian leader in the days to come. We're still in a very early stage here. We need leaders like you who are battle tested, consider this you field test young man!
I can't even...you've been wronged 100%. This content was not plagiarized, this content was original. It was engaging. It was a unique opinion and thought on a subject. The rewards payout for your post were not outrageous in any way shape or form, and yet, in the name of "I contend this payout" you have had your earnings ripped right out from undernearth you by someone who disagreed with your original content.
Something is wrong with this. This is unjust. This is unfair.
Is it not unfair, it is just finding the balance, over time and if we persist, all who stick around will succeed here my dear @bitfiend. Thank you for coming to encourage @pawsdog, I've up-voted you to be an encouragement.
I agree, its very demotivating, and leads me to the opinion that STEEMIT sucks, and is a community of people forced to live in the shadows for fear of being bullied. Hurt my rep too.. just sucks man, just sucks...He even down voted unrelated posts just to be more dickish
yeah I saw that. So in the name of rocking the boat it's not worth it because apparently this playground is already under the control of one person. Can't turly express your opinions for fear of pissing off a whale.
It's examples like this that prove humans need government and decentralization only goes so far. People arguing it's for the greater good, however; I fail to see the greater good in downvoting your post. I assume if you at least gave him a reach around and painted the TA as the villain you'd be fine, but then your opinion would be swayed due to fear. Just really messed up. Definitely demotivating especially if I get attacked over this and if you continue to get flagged
Yes I agree, and this is why anarchic government never works.. Human greed, and megalomania.. Those at the top will always abuse their power to enforce their ideals.. Steemit = North Korea and Bernie is Kim Jun Ill. At least that is the way I see it
When I went to bed last night I couldn't help but compare him to Kim lol.
I don't agree here @pawsdog so I will upvote you somewhere else where you speak with the level of maturity in your 1st reply to @berniesanders
Yep, he attacked me a few months ago and I chose not to discuss it, even referred to him as "the angry whale" so as not to type @berniesanders (hi Bernie! I love you!), in "fear" of his retribution.
Now? I'm doing this instead: http://berniesandersbot01.xyz/uncategorized/first-things-first-i-need-a-script-written-willing-to-pay-for-it/
Think outside the bun.. hit me up on discord. If you want to hurt an enterprise go after its infrastructure.
I agree, the whole issue seems very suspect to me.. I doubt he is the politician mentioned in the article. It does seem rather scandalous though, and I agree that he should of just commented instead of down voting. But having read the majority of his profanity ridden tyrades I'm not sure how constructive that would of been either..
One can only hope but you're probably right.
I'm certain he's not the real bernie sanders that's a given. With what time I've spent reading around, my observation is that he doesn't post frequently and has an army of upvote bots and might even have the capital to have a promotion budget to pay for other upvote bots.
While I understand it's not necessary to reveal your identity or post without a picture of yourself holding a steemit sign with the days date, I wonder how he gets so much support.
He claims to be "the good whale" but he's not whale status so I almost assume he has a whale account somewhere.
If I ever wanted to find the toxicity within Steemit, this guy is sure to lead the way it seems.
All while giving away $300.
Claiming to be the good guy as he curses and flags anyone who talks about him. I guess I'm screwed XD Might as well uninstall steemit now.
I'm not sure if you're being funny again or just being a friend.
It's decentralized, you can't uninstall it :)
I was being funny when I suggested I uninstall steemit :P I know it's decentralized. Sorry if it confused you, I shouldn't really be trying to joke I am no good at them. Mostly really corny Dad jokes.
no confusion, but it was a little funny hence my respond. I'm going to rest now, don't be afraid to post to funny, even if you don't get good respond others will support you, keep experimenting and adjusting. we were all beginners at one point in time, everyone.
Have a good rest my friend, and thanks again! There is always at least one person that will appreciate a thought. That's one thing I've learned about this platform.
He's been around from the beginning of the platform, has a lot of time, energy and capital invested in it.
While he can be hot headed and at times seemingly mean, people who have got to know him get that he has the good of the platform at heart even when his delivery could be a whole lot better.
He's also quietly supported a lot of good work on the platform.
Meanwhile haejin and his supporters seem to be only interested in being self-serving leeches on the platform. They would be a lot better off to actually become part of the community instead of their current approach.
From my observations of the various posts I've seen on the matter the more vocal ones want to worship at the feet of their saviour and the only thing that counts is making money. And god help anyone who still thinks this is a social media platform.
I saw in one of haejin's rare comments that he's thinking about going private and taking his followers with him. That actually might be the best outcome for both sides of this issue for both haejin's future and the future of the platform.
The platform isn't going to be a good fit for everyone and everyone is not a good fit for the platform. That is to be expected.
Valid points, but if perhaps say 1% of is 6000 followers by steem then I don't see it as a bad thing. I have taken the time to view the accounts of a few haijin followers and a few have purchased $2500 or more in steem thus investing themselves in the platform. Also I think with that large of a following that there will inevitably be a trickle down affect as his followers will eventually peruse other articles or use their lust for money to write and attempt to profit from a few of their own articles thus benefiting the platform through content. Likewise if I compare the content posted by haijin to the bullshit you find in the NSFW category, I'm kinda having a hard time seeing how this:
Is a good fit for the platform
Whereas some dude giving crypto advice is not..
I can't disagree with you on the NSFW. I don't agree with its presence but the tag was a compromise after a rather long debate over porn on the platform. Many argued against it even being here and others argued that if this is a censorship free platform it has the right to be here. The compromise was that it had to be within the tag or be subject to being flagged heavily. Then the option to be able to mute anything posted with the NSFW tag showed up in our settings for those who didn't want to encounter it.
I would hope that those who followed haejin here would actually be part of the community and treat it like a community.
My remarks are based on the many many comments I've seen from his followers who are quite plain they have zero interest in being part of the community yet are outraged that the community objects to such a large amount of their funds being diverted to their hero.
If they want to support him and only him, then they need to do it from their own pockets and not the rest of the community. They are either part of the problem or part of the solution. Their myopic attitudes is likely one of the many reasons that bernie is downvoting some of them.
@pathtosuccess thanks for the response. Based on his most recent give away, I couldn't take him as a totally bad guy if he's giving away money, but the hostility and toxicity is still too much.
I mean, look how he treated the author earlier in the month. I can see your argument that he is here for the greater good and has been here since the beginning.
I've been in the crypto scene since 2013. I'm no andreas antonopoulos but can you imagine if Andreas showed the same hostility? Seniority, imo, does not give anyone the right to act like this.
I also see bernie flagging other users telling them to stop talking about him or he will forever destroy their account because he's "their worst fucking nightmare".
REALLY? This is how he conducts himself?
"I'm going to stir the pot with the biggest spoon on the planet. Once I get the riot going, I'm gonna go back to to the shadows and LURK. Then I will get mad and retaliate to anyone who talks about me."
I agree, leaders should lead by example, not terrorize people and act like a butt hurt bitch and threaten to eviscerate them when they talk about him. I don't care if someone comes on steemit and calls me names. I will respond and debate the issue, but when I get to influence status, I'm not going to crush someone for not liking me, thinking I'm a megalomaniac narcissistic dickhead or writing comments to that affect. I'll simply comment and talk about.. figure out how we can fix it, and if need be cut them apart with my wit, not the amount of SP my account has. Hell I would likely upvote a post cursing me..
I have a friend that used to make a comment that tends to be rather apt towards @berniesanders ... "I love you but I hate you" ... he does a lot of good and dishes out nasty.
In the course of going after scammers (yes actual scammers) and those who are getting overly rewarded he's also been on the receiving end of some very nasty reactions.
I don't like seeing it from either side but this isn't Sunday School ... so I wince and move on
Grow a thicker skin dear @bitfiend, it will help you cope better with responses to your post and also help you succeed more in life. Keep up the encouragement, I like seeing you respond like this my young friend.
Agreed to a point, and my thoughts can be found here: https://steemit.com/steem/@pawsdog/the-reward-pool-rape-saga-between-berniesanders-and-haejin
That said @ranchorelaxo did invest over $2,000,000 USD into the platform through purchases of steem, so I can't see how he is raping relative to the amount he invested. Iam fairly certain that a purchase of that size benefited all users by raising the price of steem. I see large confidence building purchases of an asset to be more beneficial than gathering the torches and pitch forks to attack other members of the community.
the same purchase on one of the exchanges would have helped to raise the price of steem.
The choice to transfer it onto the platform would have had no further effect.
If he's just an investor who has decided to support only one person with his SP, that is his right. When that sole support inflates the payout to that individual, it is the right of other whales to counter that support through downvotes.
Even though the size of the upvote is determined by his SP, the value of the upvote is coming from the reward pool which is formed from the collective mining (posting values) of the whole community.
Allowed to go on unchecked that would mean one whale could disperse a significant amount of the reward pool to one individual rather than it dispersed throughout the community as the system is meant to do.
When whales are upvoting posts, they generally go with a small percentage of their VP so they can spread it across a wider number of posts.
Interesting to note that we all have 10 full upvotes a day that we can make and have our VP recharge within 24 hours. @haejin's posts never exceeded that magic number. HMMM
Basically, sums it up. Most of these accounts are @haejin buying them for other people which has to have some sort of TOS violation I'm assuming. Either way, BernieSanders is going to obliterate him off this platform if it's the last thing he does.
yeah they really have no idea of bernies' history . well, they have been told but choose not to listen.
Hard to listen to what a great guy someone is when he is calling you a moron and downvoting you into oblivion.
I don't disagree with that .. it takes being around the platform and in the chat rooms to learn the other side without being told by people like me.
Of course he is not, as a 3rd party listening in, it is humorous, it's a parady of the politician. See beyond eyes, see the revolution.
Also remember @berniesanders rep is -18 for a reason, there are 50-100 whales that are capable of doing what he is doing and undoing it...these whales were the ones who brought his so low the same difficulty as getting rep 70. Also there are probably 300 large orca, and if only 10% of them unite they can do what he does or undo it. There is more there then meets the eyes. Keep learning young Seemians.
Excellent analysis! @berniesanders is behaving quite like the party his namesake belongs to. Merry Christmas!
Thank you for the comment, Merry Christmas to you as well. I do find the mathematical inconsistencies to be somewhat odd for sure. As I take no side, I am always open for any plausible explanation to explain the irregularities I noted.
You're welcome. Just changed my upvote here from 1% to 100%, and brought this post back to visibility.
Again, thank you so much.. It's really a sad state of affairs when we cannot express a simple opinion here for fear of being smashed. I'm as about a neutral author as it gets, a veteran and by all accounts a model steemian thus far. I write engaging content for my readers but think I may pick topics that won't get me bullied from here out until I have the requisite SP to combat the issue. I will still comment on this thread in the event it gains any traction.. Again thank you for the help...
I hope you understand when I would rather say, "I'm so sorry how you were used" than "thank you for your service." If not I encourage you to read "War is a Racket" by General Smedley Butler, and "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" by John Perkins.
I agree, I wrote a helpful article about Steemit tools which they smashed, just out of spite. My take (which of course, could be wrong) is that they are inhabited by demons which whisper in their ear to take negative actions, as those feed energy to the adversary. Or dark forces, I'm currently reading "Word Magic" and it aligns with a lot I've already learned, as well as taking it further.
Merry Christmas, I'm out for a bit to watch the little children! :)
Oh, and I apologize if I interpreted your neutrality as offense, a few days ago -- I am recovering from multiple concussions and don't always interpret events accurately, due to the symptoms.
No worries.. and I take no offense to your comments.. Big government is a machine and we do get used and discarded at will. War is a very profitably business. But the military was my way out of the white ghetto so to speak, so I took it.. got my degree and have done o.k.
I would like to rebuttal, please read an update note from the developer of steem.supply:
The period and comma is possibly a location based format, people in Europe will see a comma while people from other countries will see a period. The code for percentages was also changed after bernie's first post.
I think that the resolution tells a different story than a simple character transposition.
Well yeah, there is a different resolution in bernie's post, I have nothing to support that.
Yep. It also sounds like total bullshit. How can an algorithm get the amount wrong on one account, but right on all the rest??
The amount was wrong for all accounts not just haejin's.
Please read this post by the dev of steem.supply: https://steemit.com/steem/@dragosroua/steem-supply-update-removed-ads-interface-cleanup-bug-fixing
Well it's not clear from what he said. He said:
A "certain user". In English that means one user, not all users. And if I'm remembering correctly (i'm not looking at the thread right now), when pawsdog(?) did the calculations, it was only haejin's that was out.
Liars and cheats!
@berniesanders is a commie fraud!
@haejin should take legal action!
Sue his sorry socialist ass for fraud and defamation!👌😂
Downvoted by @randowhale and crushed again, for expressing an opinion. Internet bullying at its finest. Even so far as to down vote unrelated posts... sad, very sad..
And if you were not downvoted, then @ranchorelaxo would not have upvoted you even higher. Getting you new prestige, new recognition, more loyal followers (like myself) then you will ever see without all these tumult and backlash happening.
See the blessings in disguise your man, you'll do well to learn from these lesson, all the emotion will fade, and only the wisdom remains.
I agree, the key is to just say things as they are. Be factual, be polite.. and always try and elevate people to the next level, if you are above them try and bring them to your level.. but never try and use the people around you as a stepping stone for your own success
Yes, the force is strong with you :)
Your wisdom and patience will serve you well here in Steemit and beyond. Well done young man.
I second that....sue for slander...don't know if that's possible, but why not
Look at the amount of censoring here on this post. Please click on the greyed out comments to read them.

I think that is the problem.. I also take offense as these are comments on my post and my article. Go censure shit on your own articles. I am perfectly fine allowing anyone the comments here to have a free and open opinion safe from reprisal. You want to say @haejin is God.. go for it.. You want to swing from the nuts of @berniesanders and preach for him as the messiah of the platform.. go for it.. You want to call me a fucking moron... go for it.. you should be free to express your opinion regardless of whether or not it criticizes a more powerful member or does not agree with another users fan base.
@berniesanders was a loser who get bullied at school, and now he hide behind his computer hating people that are making better than him.
I do sense a bit of hatred coming from him or jealousy perhaps. I think we should embrace the successes of others and strive to learn from them. I also think we should use are resources and influence to help elevate those under us and not use them as a stepping stone to further our own goals.
I'm offended by the use of the term
reward pool rape
it trivializes the real thing.
SO insensitive.
You know, I actually agree with you and find the title to be somewhat offensive. That said I did not pick the original title that started all of this. I am simply using the title provided by the original author bracketed so as users reference this one as connecting to that one. From what I have come to observe the author of the original posting likes to use inflammatory titles, offensive language etc. to gather attention to his postings. So I do agree with you and the point you made. Thanks for your input
Downvoted by @randowhale and crushed again, for expressing an opinion. Internet bullying at its finest. Even so far as to down vote unrelated posts... sad, very sad..
Just repeating again :)
And if you were not downvoted, then @ranchorelaxo would not have upvoted you even higher. Getting you new prestige, new recognition, more loyal followers (like myself) then you will ever see without all these tumult and backlash happening.
@berniesanders If you could be so kind as to not down vote neutral articles I would appreciate it. I'm just a veteran and small time author trying to make it here. Taking my rewards is actually quite hurtful in the grand scheme of things and does not actually open constructive debate into the issue. I have done nothing to you, and poke at you and @haejen equally.
If this is a community then let free thought and debate be they way we handle things.
I put significant effort into a good article and you basically came in and picked my pocket because you did not agree.
I simply pointed out inconsistencies in an image you provided nothing more,
I'm one of the minnows that you are purporting to defend by going after @haejin; so I find it somewhat hypocritical for you, the one who put himself out there as the champion of the little guy, defender of the reward pool etc. on STEEMIT to step on the little guy and kick sand in his face.
You showed the trick the devil is using. He don't like that much. :)
Apparently the hate here runs strong. I'm all about debate on the issue. I did, however, find the mathematical irregularities to be of note to share. I'm happy to let folks make up their own mind, or debate the issue and find the root cause. Feel free to resteem as well.. Hey never hurts to ask... :) again thanks..
Yep, already did earlier! :)
Downvoted by @randowhale and crushed again, for expressing an opinion. Internet bullying at its finest. Even so far as to down vote unrelated posts... sad, very sad..
excellent, hmm i mean EXCELLENT.
I got a downvote wave aswell by this berni, just because i was wondering wtf was going arround 5 days ago..u can see in my blog... i haven't wasted much time into this stuff ... my time is gold but thanks for giving your time to the comunity and tell us your discoveries and thoughts.
No problem, just pointing out the discrepancies in the information presented by bernie for us to view in order to substantiate his assertions.
Well laid out, well considered, fairly put.
I think everyone can make up their own minds from here.
I wanted to stay objective and try and solve the problem. Probably the most telling aspect is that the math does not add up. I find it somewhat unlikely that the site was given erroneous values at the given time, or that the formula used to make the calculations has since been updated.. But who knows..
You seem to be a very honorable man.
I respect this post very much. I wish you the best and I do hope that you stay here even if this account gets black listed I hope you start a new one as someone such as your self is a great benefit to this community.
If you ever have any questions or need help please private message me.
Thank you for your kind words, and I look forward to talking to you more in the future.
pawsdog, I appreciate your attempt at even-handedness and civility with Mr. BS. But I believe all this discussion is just a symptom of a much larger problem.
Steemit is portrayed as a "decentralized" social platform with no one acting as an authoritarian controller. It appears this statement is not entirely true. Steemit has a flaw in its design in that it gives enormous power to certain members to destroy other members' posts with a click of the mouse. In this case, the destroyer is a self-appointed tyrant with a lot of power who thinks he knows best what is good and bad and seeks to obliterate others' ideas and information just for sport and profit. This is not what I consider to be a "decentralized" non-authority system. Mr. BS has become the authority.
Every system needs rules in place to protect the integrity of the system. The flaw in the current Steemit system was put in place by the creators of the system. It is a management problem that lies solely in the hands of the dev team. If that dev team doesn't care or has abandoned Steemit and moved on to other things, then Steemit will eventually become a place for fascistic tyrants to exercise and protect their power by destroying other legitimate members. Eventually, the system will fall apart and be relegated to the dust bin of history.
Haejin provides extremely useful and valuable information to his followers. As such, he should be compensated for his contribution to the members. If someone doesn't like what he does, they can either down vote or not consume his content. But a single down vote should not be designed to destroy or eliminate a post.
If Haejin decides to leave Steemit and go private, I will certainly abandon Steemit and follow him to his new platform. I suspect many of his followers will do the same. I will also sell all my holdings in Steem, and give serious thought to selling all of my bitshares and EOS. If Steemit has this type of serious flaw, it diminishes my confidence in the future of bitshares and EOS.
If Mr. BS or his minions don't like what I said, too bad. They can rant and rave till they're blue in the face, and they can destroy my posts if they want. I refuse to live in fear of a tyrant!
Your opinion is welcome here and I am glad that your took the time to share it and honored that I had opportunity to read it. I just wrote a post that tends to cover most of the issues you mentioned. As this thread seems to be getting long Join me here: https://steemit.com/steem/@pawsdog/join-me-in-discussion-to-build-a-better-platform-pawdog That said in that thread let us leave BS at the door and talk about the platform and improvements lest it could be squashed. I will keep it non specific over there so as we can have a constructive debate..
I think this is the reality of the anarcho-capitalist wet dream that steem represents to some. I don't want to go into an anti-AC rant, as I will get buried in a tonne of shit. But this is the reality of unfettered capitalism. The rich get richer and the poor get more exploited. Thankfully, there does seem to be a significant left libertarian (perhaps Chomsky's term of 'libertarian socialism' is the best moniker) influence here, so there are efforts by some of the other big stake holders to work to reduce the inequality gap for the freedom benefit of all.
Sorry to debunk your research but after many people figured out that the percentage may not be accurate, the developer of steem.supply found a bug in the code and tried to fix it and make it more accurate. In that same update to website, the comma was removed and was possibly replaced by a decimal. I'm not sure if the dev has now implemented a regional format, where Europeans will see a comma and Americans will see a decimal point.
Here is the dev's update note:
follow you and upvote you
hope you will also come to me
You have uncovered a butthurt fraud, who doctored an image, and attempted to smear @haejin!
Great work!
That is one possibility, but that is not for me to decide. I can only point out inconsistencies in the image and information presented. Perhaps haejin would like to resteem it, or comment himself...
Downvoted by @randowhale and crushed again, for expressing an opinion. Internet bullying at its finest. Even so far as to down vote unrelated posts... sad, very sad..
Just repeating again :)
And if you were not downvoted, then @ranchorelaxo would not have upvoted you even higher. Getting you new prestige, new recognition, more loyal followers (like myself) then you will ever see without all these tumult and backlash happening.
Go away to your Bed. Your repeating bullshit
If this is what we can expect from steemit, I want no part of it. Think about it, how ridiculous is this and why can't it be solved ASAP?
@pawsdog I love this post, it's balanced and well researched, gives option at both sides, this is what's great about steemit when people show properly researched material others can also look in and validate or dismiss after their own research. It's a shame that this fight broke out in the first place. Downvote on content, not because you don't want someone to earn something. @haejin content has gotten the attention it has for a reason, he both gives reasons and lessons within it, what reader does with it is up to the reader.
Then you would love this article as well.. https://steemit.com/steem/@pawsdog/the-reward-pool-rape-saga-between-berniesanders-and-haejin
That was a rather entertaining one nicely done!
Anytime... :) thank you for your comment..
I miss your analysis @haejin :(
They will be back tomorrow. I got tied up in all this and for failing to meet that responsibility I apologize.
Culturally, any spanish speaking country or IP address will automatically render what you consider to be decimal points as commas.
We say one million two hundred thirty four thousand five hundred sixyty seven point eighty nine as
It's just how they do it culturally. So since my IP address is in a spanish speaking country, my internet speaks spanish and displays numbers like the picture bernie used.
Nope, does not change depending on the country... Well spotted though :)
So the only two possibilities are:
There was some one off site glitch that happened at the precise moment bernie captured the image
This entire war was started based on a lie and bernie deceived his own viewership by manipulating the image for personal enrichment and to smash the competition.
I am wide open for alternate plausible theories. I will say though that based on how quickly bernie smashed my post.. while it is not an admission of guilt, does not bode well in the eyes of the public. I would of hoped useful debate or conversation regarding the images source, where he got it, how he saved it, etc. would of been more beneficial to his cause.
it really doesn't matter how the math computes as far as the percentage of the reward pool ... the huge upvote from the questionable whale was asking to be countered by another whale. Bernie was on the money (no pun intended) on that action.
Bernie could use sticking to the point rather than engaging in the name calling. I do have some understanding of his response though based on some of the morons I've encountered on this and their tone-deaf response to any effort to point out how this works.
I understand how the math works, and while I do believe the rewards given to haejin are a bit over the top, objectively I also see the hypocrisy of what bernie has been doing. This being evident by his collection of equally ridiculous rewards to the tune of nearly $20,000 for the 3 posts bitching about haejin. There is I believe an option to defer rewards back to the pool which I doubt bernie is going to utilize.
I believe that you cannot sacrifice your integrity regardless of circumstance, that you cannot lie, mislead or deceive your followers regardless of whether the opinion you hold is correct or not.
If in fact he intentionally and deliberately altered an image so as to profit by deceiving his audience, then that is much more egregious than the ridiculous rewards haejin is receiving.
Also this is the system here, its not my fault, yours, bernies or haijens . It's a steemit platform issue and one that would need to be addressed. It's a don't hate the player hate the game kinda thing.
Lastly and again going back to integrity.. when I see this..
And then a $500 dollar post from the same author consisting of 2 sentences..
I again see hypocrisy and wonder whose best interest that author is actually trying to serve.
@pawsdog you raise some interesting points pertinent to this situation.
Having been watching @berniesanders over many many months I'm very aware that he has been one of the few whales who actively and consistently works on downvoting those who would take negatively take advantage of the platform.
So, on a one to one situation, bernie earning large funds to complain about the large funds that @haejin is earning could be very validly called hypocrisy, those funds offset what he doesn't make while fighting reward pool abuse across the platform.
That reward pool abuse over time dilutes the returns on investment for all on STEEM who work to build up their investments. So, while @haejin is apparently providing a service to his supporters, bernie is providing a service to the whole community.
I don't often like his method of delivery, in regards to his way of addressing people but I understand it.
Having said all that, if he did purposely alter a graphic to bias his already valid claim, that is just dirty pool.
The real question is, was there intent.
Just as we don't have an answer in regards to the lone whale upvoting haejin and only haejin.
True, and in regards to @ranchorelaxo (haejins whale).. He made two posts, which could of been his way of introducing himself to the community and opening the door for dialogue and perhaps conversation as to his upvoting habits. It was a good opportunity to invite him in, make him a part of the community and perhaps motivate him to upovote other authors as well.
But what response does he receive at the top of his post:
And equally as tasteless as his infantile attempt at diplomacy he up voted his own comment and made $30 USD for it.
This type of behavior is not platform beneficial.
As I have stated before that if I were @ranchorelaxo it most certainly would not dissuade me from doing what I have been doing; it would only piss me off. Also as the comment discloses what behavior I have been doing to annoy you, I would only do it more. I fail to find the benefit in attacking users with the financial horsepower to benefit the platform and other users.
Let us even consider @haejin whom is quickly making his way into the elite. Perhaps embracing him and motivating him to upvote other authors, etc would be better than attacking and tearing him down. Perhaps making him feel like a member of the community, as opposed to someone who is attacked for his success would motivate him to invest in the community or diversify his interests here.
There are multiple ways to skin a cat, but infantile, profanity ridden trades, wherein users are called "useless cocksuckers, cunts, told to lick his balls, called fuck sticks, worthless etc." are ineffective diplomacy, immature and not traits I can condone in one whom purports to be a good whale or a leader. Leaders don't act like that, leaders don't lead by belittling those in those beneath them; leaders lead by example
To me it smacks more of megalomania and narcissism than an attempt to help the community in any quantifiable fashion.
You say that he has been downvoting people who negatively take advantage of the platform. @pawsdog has done no such thing and he has been downvoted. Just saying.
I just checked from Argentina, browser in Spanish, and steem.supply provided no localization whatsoever. Decimal separator is "." (dot)
Now, if you I the numerical pad in Spanish, in my Linux PC, the "." Is turned into "," automatically
Even then, the math is still off... The information provided in the image to formulate the percentage calculation does not add up.. So even if we could explain the comma, I still can't figure out how the math is wrong...
I mean: the comma can be explained by assuming the number was typed using a Spanish numerical pad. Typed, not calculated.
I concur, which would lead one to the assumption that the photo may have been manipulated in some way to deceive and thus enrich the author of the post by manipulating and treating his viewing audience like they were stupid.
That could make sense. It does not, however explain the mathematical inconsistencies, I noted.
I will check from Scandinavia now
For me Haejin Lee is a man with a lot of wisdom. I also hope that from Bernie. We miss the Blogs from Haeijin Lee and hope that this will be resolved quickly.
I agree, hugs for everybody..
People think @haejin is being abusive by being so consistent and putting out quality charts? What buttfuckery is this? This is exactly why communist/socialist/libtard fucks need to stay the hell out of crypto and move to a third world utopia. Hell is built with the bones of commies. If you're jealous of another man's success and willingness to help others, you're going to have a rough 7 more years of Trump.
I agree and think that using ones influence to simply crush the opinions of those under them is pretty sad and reflects poorly of their character. When a person can begin to make comparisons to a platform being run by a dictator as you would find in North Korea; you have to ask if there is a problem. Their take on freedom of the press seems similar as well and they both have armies under their control that they utilize to crush anyone they view as opposition to the regime.
How come all you haejin sock puppet accounts post the same drivel over and over about going to hell and commies and everything else ?
why are you a communist?
can not believe how through people are getting involving @berniesanders and @haejin. Honestly suprise @haejin is only 5 months into steemit. Really wish he made a post as to how to earn a ton on steemit. Thanks.
I can tell you that now.
Hint: the skill is in 2, 3 and 4. Us mere mortals ain't got that kind of experience in the game yet.
Sounds totally reasonable to me. The press does most of it except 2, 3, 4 all the time..
Must try this out. Thanks!
I think perhaps you are missing the greater issue as I see it. This whole thing actually concerns me on a far deeper level now; as I must consider what happens to I or other users that may find success here? What happens if for some reason through my writing ability a whale starts up voting my posts? Would that by default make me "a piece of shit" and subject to lynching by the community? I think this whole issue is actually making me second guess my efforts here.
As to their individual drama; I could care less, save how I could see mob mentality affecting me or another someday successful Stemian. I saw a ton of stupidity and hatred from both sides.
Most of those thoughts are covered here: https://steemit.com/steem/@pawsdog/hypocrisy-hypocrisy-everywhere-haejin-berniesanders
I see an extreme lack of diplomacy by all concerned. None more correct than the other, both have valid points. It is how the issue is being handled that is the problem, and more so if either party to the hate parade was deceptive or misled their followers for personal gain by providing deceptive information.
(personally I don't think humans are really ready for social media until they learnt o be sociable)
twitter, facebook etcetc all bring out the dark in people who are probably pussycats in real life.
My primary concern here is that innocents get hit in the wake of mob mentality leaving a platform where people a scared to air an opinion or upvote for fear of being blasted into invisibility by fascist thinking.Certainly agree here. I am a very new steemian and while @haejin was the reason I bookmarked the site it offers a fantastic platform and opportunity for people to create and be rewarded for great content, whatever it's flavour. Unfortunately it is populated by people and some of them are going to behave badly.
Right there are steemit's biggest challenges.
Offering whales power and trusting them with it.
Offering minnows the chance to speak while protecting their freedom to do so.
Justice in social media ... hmmm there is real money involved here, It might be an impossible dream.
You are probably right, once finances get involved it takes on a whole new dimension as greed likewise enters the picture...
To quote a post recently seen.
Probably don't need to reference the author.
probably right... :)
There can only be a few that are rich while the rest slave away. The rich will always step over the poor, why else are they rich? They lead the rest in earnings by simply beating everyone else. People can hate or love them but all it boils down to is the money. Money talks. I would believe 99.9% who join steemit is in hopes of becoming rich. I think you write good posts and hope one day a whale does back you up. I promise I won't down vote you for that ;)
thank you sir...
Downvoted by @randowhale and crushed again, for expressing an opinion. Internet bullying at its finest. Even so far as to down vote unrelated posts... sad, very sad..
Stay the course. @pawsdog you can never have everyone be your friend. It is like yin and yang. Not know who is friend if you never met a foe. Forget about the topic and move on to something bigger.
I am looking into the Segwit 2 x fork of bitcoin. Prime to make bitcoin shoot up for the next couple of days at least. Also how is it that the crypto market overall has moved back to almost all time highs before last weeks crash? This is insane and I do not know what to make of all of this. Charlie Lee's sell out of LTC or drawbacks in bitcoin drama? No hard evidence to lead to the big drop but here we are about to reach all time highs again in market cap.
No idea, demotivated.. at the moment.. the rep thing sucks bad.. I may just abandon the platform, the STEEMIT study and put my efforts elsewhere. Totally depressing really. This was my highest paying post to date and I was actually excited. Christmas season and all and I was going to be able to give a ton away once we reached our goal. But I doubt success is possible with the current environment here.. Just sad..
Bro take things in perspective here. I worked for over 10 years now but still currently living in a motel and using a 10+ year old laptop using steemit. When you are down people love to continue trampling. Do not help them by getting them in your head. Forget the naysayers and move on.
I am serious about your opinion on bitcoin. Currently it is now over $16k. I do not believe the drop happened out of random. Someone was in on it and now are reaping rewards. At the current rate btc is rising I think we can easily hit all time highs before new years. Yet why on earth did it crash 40% in one day? I am interested in your opinion on this as throughout the weekend I barely had much sleep dwelling on my btc holding. I am glad that I bought back into btc prior to the upswing over the weekend. But I sold near the bottom of the drop on Friday. I am at least fortunate that I did not lost much. But what is not to say the next draw down would be different. Thanks.
You need to check out an indicator called the MACD and start to study charts. My head is not really in the game at the moment.. but a good place to view free charts is.. https://cryptowat.ch/bitfinex/btcusd/1h
Interesting @pawsdog ! Are you @sherlockholmes another account?
Nope this is the only account that I have.
That was a compliment @pawsdog . :D check out @sherlockholmes blog. He has an eye for detail and pretty good observation powers like you :)
Thank you, I appreciate the compliment. I will check out his blog.. hopefully he shares this as it is the type of content he gets into..
Yes he's a bit inactive right now though...
ahaha.. well I'll comment on one of his posts and see if he ever comes back to the table
Downvoted by @randowhale and crushed again, for expressing an opinion. Internet bullying at its finest. Even so far as to down vote unrelated posts... sad, very sad..
Just repeating again :)
And if you were not downvoted, then @ranchorelaxo would not have upvoted you even higher. Getting you new prestige, new recognition, more loyal followers (like myself) then you will ever see without all these tumult and backlash happening.
Here is an extra thought:
The current Steemit philosophy is that your income is not final till the end of the 7th day, in fact the last 12hour forbids any up-votes is intended for all to disagree and down-vote as they see fit:
So a thought experiment for you:
So what would you have rather - $50 your largest income yet after 1-2 days and capped or forzen?
OR....go down to $0 and come backup upto $500 by both whales as the conflict is resolved?
AND....more important and way more valuable, learn an genuine lesson you can always apply and teach to others here on the Steem blockchain in the next 2-5 years as a Veteran Steemian?
I think that I do appreciate @ranchorelaxo advocating free speech and ideals. I think I appreciate his upvote to counter the downvote bullying of bernie. I also think that had I of not written the original article I would not have gained the followers that I have. I thank all of you. I interact with all of you. I value all of you.. and hopefully someday, those beneath me on the platform will be able to look up to me and see me as a member with integrity, courage and the singular focus of elevating others to their full potential here.
Do not presume you know why @ranchorelaxo upvoted or another downvoted your post, it could have as easily been that he followed @beniesanders downvotes here before the realization that your point is muted and does not support the thesis.
Often whale battles are just that, just like two minnows but with more ego and usually with more steadfast ideals than the others. Do realize this case is unique, 1 whale is established here and understand the community and rules of engagement very well, the other is still finding his footing as a large investor and is just establishing himself and often people will only take 1 side if that is all that they know.
Now, using your very same logic (apologies for using jiu-jitsu again, this time on your logic), you must then also appreciate free speech that allows @berniesanders to put his point forward regardless of how crass it may sound. Taking it 1 step logically further, if it wasn't for him, you would not have what you achieved today, are you thankful to him for that too? Can you celebrate and advocate such ideas?
When you are truly grateful and when you can advocate new ideas, then you will become the leader that will be able to elevate others to a greater potential (I would not say full, who are we to prognosticate another ultimate potential...don't you agree?)
I unfortunately cannot thank a bully for being a bully. To do so I think it would be like asking the hero of this story:
to provide thanks to that bully for the actions that motivated him to step in, do the right thing and achieve any subsequent notoriety.
Did bernie exercise his rights? Yes and no. He showed himself to be a hypocrite in many instances. Posting images of acceptable rules for flagging as justification for his crusade against @haijin. He flagged accordingly and properly based on his view of the rewards being to high, which I can agree to some extent. Then he subsequently violated them by flagging "opinions" of many authors he did not agree with. This not being within the guidelines he posted as justification for his previous behavior.
Am I to credit them with my recent success? doubtful as I was rocking along slowly but surely prior to all this and eventually my content would of stood for itself. Am I to credit the "hot topic" as being beneficial? Absolutely. I found an interesting topic with many twists and turns and used my writing abilities to create interesting opinion pieces.
That said I sincerely appreciate the opinions of all. Those that hate, or those that applaud. I am happy that each member regardless of their stance can state their opinion and be heard. That is the power of STeemit.
To be thankful to person that hurt you, and to be thankful for them being an adversity and opportunity is not the same thing
however, I think you already know that
Also I have seen you share that article to others; but compare correctly, few bullies give people time to correct or research other possible outcomes.
He's perhaps an entertaining jackass, or a talented Steemian (like you) who knows how to yield his influence in measure, but a pain old bully is someone who always backs down when confronted with truth and harm. He's standing firm on different Steem principles and his own politically incorrect prerogative (which is less a factor if you can deminish one's own ego), but don't mistaken hurt coming from a conflict you choose to jump into vs being just being a victim. You will lose respect and followers if you can't differentiate the difference.
Do the thought experiment again, perhaps you missed something there....and it's ok if you do, give yourself time to learn.
BTW. you have now had the first tasted of the true power of the Steem blockchain and only in its micro-ecosystem, someday watch it spread into the macro economical system. Be prepared when that day comes, keep learning.
Unless you have 1 million Steem in your account, You have to tiptoe around the whales here @pawsdog ... Maybe he didn't even bother to read your post and downvoted because he thought you're a haejin follower!
I disagree @coinsutra speak up to @berniesanders, he's human, he will listen.
But todo so you have to look beyond our own ego, or his threats and taunts......speak to them as you would speak to one without judgement.
I have seen those with dust VP sway @berniesander's opinion time and time again, it can be done. Fear is not the answer, logic, diplomacy and grit is what works, along with a healthy dose of self-reflection and humility.
fair point Dr. wong! You do have remarkable communication ability. The above response was generated by my mind when Bernie sir downvoted and left without giving any response. I found that a bit rude. Sorry If I came across as a egoistical or judgemental.... That may have triggered a emotionally biased reaction! Notice the time, this comment was left yesterday here.
When Bernie sir leaved a response today and clarified he hadn't manipulated the image then I spoke to him too. If I'm not mistaken, you've also replied to my comment there...
Thank you for pouring out your wisdom here... @drsinmongwong
No idea, I think I'll take to outside media, and just recommend users avoid the platform all together... I'll hit up twitter for a bit and write some articles, based on my experiences.
Hmmm... Being a steemit blogger it hurts :D Well we all have our free will to exercise brother...
But this is a decentralized platform and I don't think it's good to blame the whole platform because of one guy... (emotions vs rational thinking) well it's just my opinion. Check out @andrarchy 's blog and see his videos about the SMTs, cryptoeconomics and Steemit economy system. Not a single system is perfect. But this system is the closest to the perfection peak... hundred times better than the centralized ones... You'll see why if you watch his video. Don't take my word for it...
And regarding this issue... I think it can be solved maybe if you contact with people on minnowsupport channel on discord! This might as well be just a mistake!
https://discord.gg/GUuCXgY (PALnet)
Yeah, but I do have a small ace in the hole.. I'm a respected Wiki editor and can't be down voted there as I have the power and it gets a great many more viewers. Sometimes you have to go outside the source and to get attention. I have other items that I will try as well, press releases etc, from a few of the very lucrative websites under my control, that rank 1st page on google for thousands of key words etc.
Yes, but use it, your power constructively, and for the greater good of the community not for satisfaction or justification.
Inspect your own motive as you write, learn and grow. You're in the right place and at the right time @pawsdog
Steem on!
Incredible work @pawsdog. I can't believe you spent the time to uncover and expose this mess, but my hat is tipped to you for a job well done. You have added to the integrity for the community and we are/will be grateful as time goes on. Cheers!
I appreciate your kind words. A leader cannot lead through deceit. The only way you can put yourself out there is if you are doing so on solid foundation of integrity. Otherwise your entire crusade becomes mute, your audience will see your cause unjust, you as a liar and you will become the target of the vitriol you directed at others.
You got it down and are well armed to fight this battle. I'm sure you will lead many to the truth (which will make this a better place to be!) ... Keep it up @pawsdog
We can only hope.. Unsurprisingly he has yet to debate the issue here or explain the inconsistencies I noted...
I'm sure he hopes it goes away... You don't have the individual power to fight him, so he's probably betting you give up and move on.
Nah, I'm a run to the sound of gunshots type of guy..
lol... funny... I should've figured, I've watched you in this battle now for almost a week and you are getting more intense by the day... haha
@Steemit @dantheman @steemit @ned @dan @blocktrades @ben @jamesc @smooth @val-a @dantheman @steemit2 @abit @openledger @adm @alot @abunch
Just as a counter argument to the comma being a problem.
In javascript it is pretty simple to localize numbers.
If he's in a country that uses a comma as a decimal separator, then his browser would show a comma instead of a period
I think the covered that.. It appears as though it may have been a glitch.
You should have kept your thoughts to yourself
Why? Should we all live in fear of posting a fairly neutral but interesting bit of information?
You too, just like the author. Get in the middle of something you have nothing to do with. Good luck here jackass.
The hate is strong in this one.
By the way, people abusing the flagging feature (as well as raping the rewards pool) effects everyone on the platform. And childish douchebags like you also reflect badly on the platform, as it dissuades new people from joining/investing.
edit: Sad to see you are part of @spl. I have been involved with that great community well before you shuffled your sorry arse onto the platform. I wonder how many of them know how much of a fuckwit you are being out here...?
Hey dick with ears. .. i don't give a shit. . nor do I give a shit what you think of me. . my friends at @spl know what the dawg is about. . Be careful or i might just piss on your leg. . . BTW, poker star how come you no longer play. . come join us so i can donk your ass out.
You need a life, dude. Seriously.
Yes, I'm early retired with too much time on my hands. You would be correct. . You're still a dick with ears.
Really? And that is how the anarchist principle of self governance on Steemit is to be applied? No freethinking allowed? You may only write an article so long as it does not hurt the delicate sensibilities of another? Could I respond in kind to your comment? Nah.. It's your opinion and I'm glad you have it.. I look forward to talking to you more.. If you want to write an article tearing me down go ahead.. it's your right and I would have no issue with it.. I"m glad this platform provides you a place to post your opinions.
It’s going to be fun watching your account and your rep get downvoted into oblivion. Then you could do a post crying about that. That is typically what people do.
Why are you so overtly aggressive, while adding nothing to the debate?
Why would you gain pleasure from the misfortune of others?
Why would watching one user destroy another users account for simply having an opinion bring you joy?
I would certainly never relish in the misfortune of another as that would show some serious character flaws I must work on. I would, however, reach out and help someone up who has stumbled, or put myself being the defenseless and their aggressor. I can take a punch and I'm o.k. with it.
I have in life come to understand a few universal truths. Namely that those that hate the success of others typically want to be them, in fact they don't actually hate.. they are envious and due to emotional immaturity express this envy through hate. Do you want to be like me? Do you want to have the intestinal fortitude to stand up and have an opinion regardless of the potential consequences it may have? Do you want to put yourself out there for those under you even if it means you will take a hit for it? Do you desire to have those traits? If so.. just talk to me.. I would love to get to know you and learn more about you. Actually I think I will go over and read a few of your articles and comment them in a positive way.
Lastly and most importantly in life I have learned that when you do the right thing, act with integrity etc. You may take a short term hit, but in the end it always comes to the positive and you find yourself of ahead of where you started. Happy Holidays..
Also to inspire some inner reflection on your part.
Read the following article and watch the video
Now ask yourself what role you would play.
The guy is clearly a loser. Hating without a reason is a clear sign of someone who's a nobody and needs to puff their chest out to get any recognition at all.
Perhaps you are right. Or perhaps he is just looking for acceptance. Either way I left a nice comment or two on a few of his posts and upovoted a pretty decent beer recommendation. That said and take the biblical references out of what follows if you are not the religious type and its still pretty solid advice..
Romans 12
14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.
15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.
16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly.[h] Never be wise in your own sight.
17 Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all.
18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.
19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it[i] to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”
20 To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.”
Awesome response. When it comes to scripture, whether it's all made up magical fairy tales or not there is indeed good advice to be learned from it.
Interesting listening to these 2, and amusing too don't you think @pawsdog?
Seems like both @rawdawg and @revo are two sides of the same coin. Totally different nature and nurture, but definitely stuck together in the cycle of rebuttal?
Yeah I can leave the Jesus stuff... ;)
I admire your positive ethic, but I just have no time for these types of fuckwits. Being nice to them never works. That said, abusing them probably doesn't work either. But it makes me feel better... :p
I rest my case here :)
And you're clearly a dick with ears by the looks of your profile pic.
Plain and simple, its going to be entertaining watching you cry about your account getting flagged. . .HAHAHHAHAHAHA FEEL THE BERN!!!!
Again, I wish you the best.. Keep up the beer recommendations.. that was pretty solid.. Also the "feel the bern" thing is kinda cliche really; not that amusing. I do appreciate your contributions and comments.. Have you decided what role you would play in the article link I provided? Take care..
You obviously play the role of someone who likes min wage and thinks he is going to be a millionaire posting on Steem. Good luck with that and take care. #steemmillionaire
I play the role of a pushing 40 something retired white male in America. #lifeisgood
What, are you his bitch or something? Do you have a picture of him on the ceiling of your room in your Mum's basement?
Dick With Ears. . . shut your pie hole.
Good work. Condidered a P.I's role?
Which way is the bus traveling: to the left, or to the right?
In a figure 8?
It was a bug! Can't we just make peace? C'mon it's Christmas. Talk it out. Spread the love.
Noted in the "update to the article" I have acted honorably, can I expect the same?
:).. thanks.. at least I hope you were talking to me..
wtf is going on
No idea, but I'm keeping a low profile.. :).. I said my peace and will do my thing and stay off of peoples shit list... :)...........at least for the moment...
How do we get haejin back?! I'm afraid he is going to stop posting on steemit because of @randowhale and @berniesanders (same person). Cant we all write steemit about this kind of behavior. Is there a way to block randowhale?
Blockchain, people can be as mean or as nice as they like.. Bern and Rando have their way of doing things which is what it is but gets a message across with little room for confusion. As to @haejin.. No idea, but I am sure you can follow him on his twitter and youtube ( I heard he has both). Perhaps it is just Christmas and he is doing the family thing. I do know that writing and posting, consistently are hard work and he puts in quite a bit here. Reach out, message him, or.. invest in yourself, so as you depend on no one.. Hope this helps.
You guys are as lame as each other trying to play these comparative nonsense games with each other and I need to point out the pointless artificial drama.
Fair enough point, but humans need drama lest life would be entirely to boring.. I thank you for the comment though..
Dutch Rudder style?
double dutch rudder.
Dang freaking Sherlock Holmes up in this joint getting all zoomy and ish. Well played @pawsdog well played! 👏👏👏
Thank you...
Really great to see you get compensated for this post. I was wondering if @rencharorelaxo would show up.
Its lame that @haejin didn't support you even AFTER @rancherorelaxo did let alone before.
However I feel you deserve some high compensation for what you have put into and bene through with this saga.
As I said be honest, share quality content and you will succeed here.
Thank you Sir, I will keep rocking away.. I have plenty of other cool stuff to write about perhaps connections between two of the names you mentioned etc. but I need to chill for a few and perhaps build up a bit before I go into anymore wars around here. Thank you for your kind words
Yes you appear to have a positive and rational attitude. There are always storms at sea and for a minnow its scary but keep on, the ocean provides.
Will check in on your future works to see where you take this journey.
Best Regards.
No problem and thank you
@berniesanders....the moron uses a comma rather than a period to fabricate lies...imbecilic idiot! Even a blind mouse could hide his shit better!
@haejin, what about letting the haters do the hating. Open your own website (you have one already) and keep on doing your wonderful analyses. Make it possible for your followers to donate a piece of the MASSIVE PROFITS they make. And that's that.
Maybe its because of christmas, you're not posting your daily updates. But to be honest, I'm feeling quite cold turkey right now, desperately waiting for my next TA fix. :-) Keep up the good work Haejin. Don't let no disturbed ego get under your skin.
Whats his website. All this bullshit nonsense on over this issue had made me not enjoy steemit. The system is flawed and Haejin has to suffer because of it? because some douche is mad how much money Haejin is making and how much hes not making is an absolute joke
I respectfully disagree. Turning a blind eye to abuse ensures the abuse will continue.
I agree.. we need to communicate outside the platform. There are a great may positive changes that I can imagine for the platform ;)
@haejin your absence in the crypto community is deafening. If BernieSanders left no one in the world would notice. Your followers love you and appreciate what you do. Don’t let one lonely insecure bully affect all of us.
Agreed! Listening to Haejin became a habit for me after work haha.
As I see it, he might not be active for these reasons:
I haven't done exhaustive research on this "controversy", but it does appear that this is a shit-throwing contest about up-votes and Steem dollars. The optics make it seem like he does care about the money. If the mantra is " to help and do no harm", and money is not a part of why he posts, then why not continue posting (at least on YouTube)?
Perhaps this has already been done but is a way he can raise a ticket to Steemit and explain the abuse?
I can say that Haejin has helped me tremendously, I do appreciate the time he puts into his analysis. If there is an issue here, it's probably within the platform itself and not in the content he posts.
This is food for thought for everyone involved. Lets do some math and examine the value of the rewards of two steemit accounts in return for what they are offering the steemit community.
Reflecting on where we are, who's fault is this, (how the rewards are given) and why are the ones angry about a broken system directing their anger at someone that is only the recipient of good will and an unwitting victim of the architecture that lead to this war on civility.
No shit ranger...it reminds me of the elementary school playground...a bunch of childish brats screaming and crying because they aren't getting what they want..so they beat up and bully innocent people...this is the most disgusting thing i've seen in a while..if haejin does find another venue, i will gladly follow...it's a shame..there are so many great journalists and photographers here...just sad
There was something in everything about you
Bernie was wrong, and I just can't live without you..”@haejin your 8.170 followers oooppss 8,170 followers are singing “Baby come back, any kind of fool could see Baby come back, you can blame it all on @berniesanders
Thanks@haejin Are you going to continue posting? We miss your wisdom and insight. #bernieblows
I miss you @haejin come back with you analysis soon :)
We are thousands who trust you!
you should ignore the prick !
Please keep up your analysis @haejin i was only starting to begin to learn from your teachings.
@haejin hope this gets taken care of quickly! I miss your posts!
Haejin, you are a crying worthless bitch.