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RE: Weekly report: How much STEEM is stored on the exchanges? - October 24, 2019

in #steem5 years ago

Yes, Poloniex delisted Steem unfortunately.

From their website:

Poloniex is beginning the process of delisting Pascal (PASC), Steem (STEEM), Navcoin (NAV), GameCredits (GAME), LBRY Credits (LBC), and Clams (CLAM). Here are some important dates to keep in mind:

  • October 15th at 16:00 UTC: trading of PASC, STEEM, NAV, GAME, LBC and CLAM will be disabled
  • November 15th at 16:00 UTC: PASC, STEEM, NAV, GAME, CLAM withdrawals will be permanently disabled

Interesting, just after that bittrex also asked from all traders to accept the new terms of Global bittrex instead of international. I'm not aware, are there any regulations and exchanges started to make some changes ? Or it's just a coincidence that Poloniex was sold and Bittrex is changing something, almost at the same time.

Low volume coins that aren't a pure currency are being delisted everywhere because of new regulations.