The charts below show how much STEEM is stored on each exchange where STEEM is listed.
Rule #1 in the crypto world: Don't store your cryptocurrencies on an exchange!
STEEM stored on all exchanges
STEEM stored on Bittrex
STEEM stored on Binance
STEEM stored on Poloniex
STEEM stored on Bithumb
STEEM stored on Huobi
STEEM stored on Upbit
STEEM stored on Openledger
STEEM stored on Gopax
How much STEEM is currently stored on each exchange?
Exchange | Balance | Last week | Change |
Bittrex | 39,717,539 STEEM | 37,925,427 STEEM | +4.7% |
Binance | 16,182,387 STEEM | 16,532,159 STEEM | -2.1% |
Poloniex | 9,590,086 STEEM | 9,526,618 STEEM | +0.7% |
Bithumb | 8,236,969 STEEM | 8,014,007 STEEM | +2.8% |
Huobi | 6,847,647 STEEM | 6,464,522 STEEM | +5.9% |
Upbit | 2,217,255 STEEM | 3,998,976 STEEM | -44.6% |
Openledger | 519,241 STEEM | 521,050 STEEM | -0.3% |
Gopax | 265,548 STEEM | 272,609 STEEM | -2.6% |
Total amount of STEEM stored on all exchanges: 82,379,217 STEEM
Total STEEM supply: 305,245,731 STEEM
Liquid STEEM: 105,922,874 STEEM
- 27.0% of the total supply is stored on the exchanges.
- 77.8% of all liquid STEEM is stored on the exchanges.
In the beginning of this article you said to not store crypto currency in the exchange. My question is: why? Sorry for the question but I'm new on this world.
Posted using Partiko Android
By storing crypto on an exchange you have to trust the exchange. You risk losing your coins if the exchange gets hacked or loses coins for whatever reason. Unfortunately, we have seen many examples of hacked exchanges in the past.
Thanks a lot. Crystal clear.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thx for making these reports!
I would to have the 💰 to buy it all.
what is the difference between liquid and non-liquid steem? (non-liquid = steem power)
Non-liquid steem is vested as Steem Power (SP) and cannot be transferred. Liquid steem is freely available to transfer.
Okay simple as that thx
Posted using Partiko Android
thanks for all exchanges information...@penguinpablo
Why is there such a growth in Steem on the exchanges what is the advantage of having Steem on an exchange??
or is it just speculators who speculate on steem and doesn't know the Platform? or want to sell it at a little dip?
This post has been included in the latest edition of SoS Daily News - a digest of all the latest news on the Steem blockchain.