The charts below show how much STEEM is stored on each exchange where STEEM is listed.
Rule #1 in the crypto world: Don't store your cryptocurrencies on an exchange!
STEEM stored on all exchanges

STEEM stored on Bittrex

STEEM stored on Poloniex

STEEM stored on Binance

STEEM stored on Huobi

STEEM stored on Upbit

STEEM stored on Bithumb

STEEM stored on Openledger

STEEM stored on Gopax

How much STEEM is currently stored on each exchange?

Exchange | STEEM |
Bittrex | 23,679,137 STEEM |
Poloniex | 9,942,608 STEEM |
Binance | 8,748,874 STEEM |
Huobi | 3,506,594 STEEM |
Upbit | 475,059 STEEM |
Bithumb | 1,498,932 STEEM |
Openledger | 542,008 STEEM |
Gopax | 421,775 STEEM |
Total amount of STEEM stored on all exchanges: 48,713,233 STEEM
Total STEEM supply: 276,200,172 STEEM
Liquid STEEM: 79,551,597 STEEM
- 17.6% of the total supply is stored on the exchanges.
- 61.2% of all liquid STEEM is stored on the exchanges.
Nice statistics ! Thank you for providing us with such insights.
How do you get this data?
Posted using Partiko iOS
I wrote my own piece of software to parse the data from the blockchain and to create the charts.
Very interesting, thank you for the answer.
Posted using Partiko iOS
My Steem here on Steemit does much better than the amount I have sitting doing nothing on Binance. Time to bring it all back to Steemit....
Posted using Partiko iOS
Well said and totally true! Here Steem is working like an ACTIVE - lying down is just PASSIVE, in times of regretion and bad prices, it looses its value doing nothing, here can still be really useful and bring benefits, both to You and to community.
Absolutely... going to bring it all home to Steemit.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Tener Steem en una casa de cambio es una estupidez, donde sale rentable es en la plataforma... Pero allá cada cual con su dinero 😂
Posted using Partiko Android
That's a lot of STEEM outside the ecosystem...
What happened to the STEEM stored on Poloniex??
Yes I want to know as well ... a massive dump
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks again for providing this info to us!
Hey, could you please add a "total steem powered up" over time chart of the total userbase? It might be relevant in this one.
I have the daily and weekly amount of Steem powered up in my other posts, but do you mean the cumulative amount of STEEM powered up together with a chart of the total number of Steem accounts? Starting from a specific date?
Yeah I was thinking of something like that including vests would be nice compared to all amount kept on exchanges over time.
That would be an interesting chart indeed. I have been thinking about it, but unfortunately I don't have all the required historical data to make the calculations. I have the power ups and downs per day, but I miss the historical data of the Steem supply.