Short announcement of yet another Discord forum for your list! I've create the Cogito Foundation. I'm not sure exactly what it can be but to start with I just wanted to create a place where I could pull together some disparate conversations I've been having in private message and on different forums, Discords and Slacks together in the hope of understanding things better by pooling brains.
PoB - Pool of Brains
Perhaps it can be a home to people who want to work independently of Steemit Inc. in things to do with the blockchain. The recent announcements have rocked the platform, and I know that the ever tumbling prices are a rocking factor for many in their own right, as they apparently were for Steemit.
Steem developers here by their own admission, so it didn't seem right to stay there. This finally spurred me to create the Cogito Foundation Discord.In all this tumultuousness I left the Steemit developer Slack (or was kicked by @ned after I announced I was leaving 😐) as I don't think they are the best to host or lead
So the show must go on, and Steemit have made it clear that it should go on largely without or at least in parallel to their interests. @ned has made it clear that he does not necessarily share the interests of the community at large. I know "the community" is a problematic term, but you know what I mean. In any case, we can discuss that! That's what it's for.
Tangible areas of discussion
Have you been wondering about:
- The economic incentives of Steem? (even just in it's own terms, dollar price be what I may)
- Is it time for a community hardfork? That is, the Bitcoin Cash of Steem?
- Either way, what the next hardfork should be?
- An awareness of other Steem forks?
- All the other things, the so many things?
And, do you have a brain? Then maybe plug it into this Discord.
Maybe it amounts to nothing, or maybe it becomes important. It won't be solely up to me either way.
Note that it will be moderated but lightly, following the Don't Be A Jerk™️ style.