Did you know that they originally had the soft fork set to 14:00 UTC, 12 hours from when they announced it just as it said in the post. But then they went back on their word and changed it to 10:00 UTC at 8:52 UTC?
And your attempt to fix the misspelling, which was rejected by these centralized sham witnesses, was at 10:02. Had they stuck to their word, little that it was worth at that point anyway, you would have had 4 more hours to fix it.
database.cpp:3470 _apply_transaction
database.cpp:3498 _apply_transaction
153516ms db_with.hpp:103 ~pending_transaction ] {"ref_block_num":34431,"ref_block_prefix":1566132272,"expiration":"2020-04-04T10:02:33","operations":[{"type":"set_withdraw_vesting_route_operation","value":{"from_account":"darthknight","to_account":"bittrix","percent":0,"auto_vest":false}}],"extensions":[],"signatures":["1f6b3b96b19fc4e64fc28cb513454f2f140e05e7d750d9069b3cd56352cf04bb8b2ecc4956170c31fab4b8875eed313629120c15247a84af39b3e7abe3974a76c7"]}```