Additionally, this group of ignorant people don't understand what would give a blockchain-based token real, lasting value.
The only reasonable explanation I have when I try to put myself in their shoes is that they believe Justin Sun will pump up their bags for them. Of course, they'll still be left holding the bag once he dumps, or if he dumps.
He may not dump the Stinc stake because I doubt he will even bother with his market manipulation now. His support of this poorly conceived soft fork signals to me that he has written off Steem entirely and doesn't mind if it burns to the ground. His lackeys may still be doing busy work (97 days left of shitposts!) to justify remaining on the payroll, but Justin himself seems to be done pretending to add value. Aside from playing with his toys on the Steem witness list, he has ignored Steem for the last month.
Seems like he's just setting the stage for the steem token to be overlaid onto tron. He can't outwardly attempt to destroy the steem blockchain with how public it has become, but he can certainly sew the seeds of its destruction. Instead of being viewed as the destroyer of steem, he can be viewed by his sycophantic followers as the man who saved steem from itself.