
Since then, I have moved my videos over to DIY Tube Video Community which pays for video views, comments and thumbs up.

They pay in DIY Tube Coins which are a cryptocurrency based on the Ethereum blockchain.


What is the value of these coins in relation to the dollar?

1,250,000 of your fake coins = 0.001 ethereum which is $0.37 USD, so their real value is

But you are trying to scam people into paying you $0.05 each for them which is a markup (aka ripoff) of 168918.9189189189%...

Nice little scam you got going there @thediyworld ....

FBD Brought to you by.jpg

@thediyworld, I noticed you up-voted your own post here just to make ten cents from borrowed SP.

More proof how you are a corrupt person.
Nobody in their right mind will post their videos on that DIY tube site,
much less expect to get paid by you too.

Sadly not. Not anymore. And they say its all about the creator but yet they dont open up to us about what is going on.

Its like having your boss upset with you but he wont tell you why. Just keeps docking your pay while you keep trying to guess what is wrong.


youtube is your employer and for you to badmouth the hand that feeds you is not smart. Moving to steemit hasn't been profitable so you are still relying on youtube for income. Has nobody mentioned to you how bad this looks for you as an employee? In the real world you would be fired.

Well, your name says it all. The word "lies" fits you well.

YouTube is not my employer. I am self employed. YouTube is a program.

A platform where I share my work.

On my own time.


I am not going to fire myself so dont worry.

Run along now.

That's not true, you have said repeatedly that YT/Google pays your bills.

Which part is not true?

I am self employed - that is true.

The check from YT/Google pays my bills. That is true.

You can be self employed and do freelance work.

I once worked full time for a company as a freelancer. Full time pay but I was my own boss.

@thediyworld "I am self employed - that is true.

The check from YT/Google pays my bills. That is true.

You can be self employed and do freelance work.

I once worked full time for a company as a freelancer. Full time pay but I was my own boss."

your ENTIRE comment here is CONFLICTING. you are self employed but google pays you? if you were self employed your CUSTOMERS would pay you and google is NOT a customer.

if you are self employed then you cant claim to do freelance work because that insinuates you are freelancing on your self which is retarded. the term freelance refers to you being employed by someone else to do a particular job but you do the same job on the side for yourself though your boss doesn't know.

i know reading comprehension is hard for you so get your mommy to explain this to you...

Again, here you are harassing me.

I dont want you here.

I dont want anything to do with you.

The World is now going to realize who is the one causing trouble.

I amso mad that youtube isnt listening to you and your problems , and it's a shame , a downright shame that even after you get your pay check from YOU TUBE/GOOGLE you can not even buy a 3 dollar box of screws ,is there any way you could make an unfair labor practice suit against them .

@thediyworld "YouTube is not my employer. I am self employed. YouTube is a program."

youtube is not a program it is a COMPANY OWNED BY GOOGLE!

according to youtube posting videos is NOT TO BE CONSIDERED A BUSINESS OR EMPLOYMENT and you should NOT rely on it for a JOB! you do not own any company nor are you your own boss. you are simply someone who refuses to accept they are jobless and an ebegger. anyone with a brain would have quit what you refuse to quit once figuring out they cant make enough to support their family.

Again, you harass me to no end.

I am happy with my work.

You have no right to tell me how or where I can or cannot work.

@thediyworld disagreeing with you is not harassment. and i never told you how or where to work. you seriously need to learn reading comprehension. it is the bases of majority of your trouble.

Troy Reid is just a beggar trying to con money from people. He's pissed off because YouTube realizes he is just a conman.

He doesn't mention all the viewers that contact advertisers on his site and tell them how deceitful and dishonest troy is. Most eventually reply with a nice letter stating they looked into it and no longer allow their advertisements to be shown on his site. So troy blaming google or youtube is not fair to them. The little people have a say in this and the system works well.

Words from a trolls mouth. A new account I see.

All we do is make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

Everyone here can see that for themselves.

WHEN WILL YOU HAVE THE GIVEAWAY FOR THE FLASHLIGHT YOU PROMISED TWO MONTHS AGO? By NOT having your giveaway as promised you are in violation of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). What you've done is classic bait-and-swtich.

Well, I am sure that you have already turned me in.

I do things when I want and not when trolls demand.

Nope, you are nothing but a puppet on a string . Always reacting to comments and not able to steer the conversation your way. Once you post a video it turns into a You are a liar troy conversation. The viewers see right through your fake homesteading crap and let you know it. You videoed a crappy mess of vegetables that my local market would just throw out but you got suckered into paying for the garbage.

False, you are a puppet on a string for the trolls. They tell you what to do and you do it. Who's the boss now? Biotch

WHEN WILL YOU HAVE THE GIVEAWAY FOR THE FLASHLIGHT YOU PROMISED TWO MONTHS AGO? Do you realize how fucking stupid you look for promising this and then not delivering? I think it is obvious you care very little about your character and how you look to others. Keep walking through life a bum, Troy. Good work.

And everyone knows what comes out of your mouth Troy. It's normally flushed away. If you made video of your daily life it would consist of you whining that people are picking on you. Con men always want to be left alone to lie cheat and steal.