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RE: Keeping Our Priorities Straight

in #steem6 years ago

I agree that we are Not Yet Ready For Most Normies. I know a lot of people who would be utterly baffled by the user experience, let alone wallets and markets. People like my mom, who I explained everything to at one point, and who remembers enough to ask, "So, how is your ...bitcoin?"
That being said, I do try and tell my friends about it, because I also believe it will pay off in the end if they can ride the rapids now. Just not many people are willing or able to do so.
Maybe that will change not only as new innovations are made here, but as new regulations or lack thereof happen in government - for instance, I know one friend who was interested but is afraid of joining because she's on disability, and if the price suddenly spikes she'll have earned "too much" and will lose her disability, which then if the price crashes again, she'd be SOL. An opportunity to one day possibly not need the disability payment, ruined by the current regulations around crypto earnings and disability payments. But I've ranted about how our social welfare programs are not meant to be a hand up, but to keep you stuck there before, so I'll refrain from another rant today. ;)