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RE: My take on Self-voting, Vote-buying and Reward Pool Rape

in #steem7 years ago

You guys are IMHO completely wrong about the problem here! :)

The biggest issue is not self-vote but it's whales "sharing" votes between each other. And no matter which linear or non-linear reward calculation there is, they will still give votes to each other.

If you think i am wrong do a test. I know that @teamsteem you are influenced enough, that if you do a post with nothing in it or maybe just a line of text. You will get more than 200$ reward. Some of the voters wont probably even look at your post before the vote?

And don't get me wrong ... I actually don't have an issue with that either, I always defend such votes, with they must have proven themselves in the past, but i don't agree with talking about linear votes after HF19 as being the main issue. HF19 provided many, many of minnows including me, to get at least a small share for the work they are doing. And also it gave the possibility to the whales to "share" their power, because 1 small vote (1-5%) from a whale to a minnow means a lot to them/us. Before HF19 even if you would get a small vote from a whale, it wouldn't matter? Because you would need at least a few of them? Maybe my logic isn't correct, i signed up on steemit just few weeks before HF19. But i see a lot of whales cooperating with different curation groups, sharing their votes and power, so the "lucky whale votes" actually do happen.

I do believe that linear voting is OK and would rather see some limitations. I've red before about the high reward cap per account per week or maybe even limit on how much a person can vote to another person? And the last option ... maybe there just isn't anything wrong with the current system? We are still getting more and more accounts, more and more posts, and hell even rewards are with increasing crypto space more and more appealing?! So is there anything wrong?

Or maybe I'm just an idealist that believes most of the community will not vote only for themselves and that good content will prevail?

Anyway I wish you all the best in 2018 and sorry for the long comment xD


The biggest issue is not self-vote but it's whales "sharing" votes between each other. And no matter which linear or non-linear reward calculation there is, they will still give votes to each other.

changes are going to suposedly be able to combat The Elitist Club of Wealthy Circle Jerks so that they are not the only privileged ones in claiming their Primae Noctis - Droit de Cuissage - Derecho de Pernada to rape first all the maidens of steemit's rewards pool?Hear hear here @felixxx. According your proposals on this post. How these

"The Elitist Club of Wealthy Whale Circle Jerks.." It wouldn't be bad if the content up on the trending pages are actually good but pictures of concrete walls with ridiculous analogies fetching $250+ is just bad. Buying votes and spending your own money is the only way to even get to the 3rd tier or get some kind of exposure.

That's right @adonisabril ¿Doesn't it?

As for 'Buying votes' you may well want to read my latest post about the subject. }:)


I read your post, @por500bolos. It was even more unexpected than the Spanish Inquisition.

Hahaha, glad to know you went thru unexpected depthts to find and read my post @penston.

However, as for The Spanish Inquisition goes. I guess that like a heretic, I should burn you at the bonfire or something. Since you did not interact with the post in any way!!

You did not vote it, you did not drop a comment on it nor you resteem it. ¿How would I know how unexpected it was for you?

Run Galileo Galilei run. Next time you won't escape. LoL }:)

I agree on this.

Or as stated in the OP

This only works with half-way responsible shareholders, or to be more clear, if @ned stops giving away stakes to $%@§heads.

Linear rewards helped the bigger userbase. They leveled the field, and everyone has the same possibilities for earnings now, by abuse or legit means.