I normally find your posts dead on, but it feels off on this one. You mention about communities spending more time looking after some than others. I would posit it has to be this way. Every day my feed is filled with more posts than I can vote for. Naturally those I have bonded closer with will usually garner my vote, although sometimes due to topic of post others may be extended the opportunity to not only receive the vote but also gain higher prominence in my value system. For a community to exist there will always be an hierarchy of sorts as not all are equal in what they bring to the table.
I would go on to say that I see those I follow also creating bonds with others whose vision and words stimulate their imaginations and hearts. It his weren't the case, everyone would be hawking the bot tracker site and loading up their votes and comments on those paying for large rewards.
Perhaps it is because you can't see yourself as those of us coming behind you see you. You have quite a bit of influence here, and I am not talking monetary influence although that is true as well. People are drawn to your vision of conduct and it is only natural that one who adds quality such as yourself would be more valued than someone whose comment on your post is "Great post, follow me for follow back," or some such variation.
As to the banks, that would deserve a post all it's own. Suffice it to say I do not understand the mentality I see in most corners of the crypto world saying this is all free from their influence when the valuation of crypto and purchasing of it is done with bankers fiat. Until such a time as one can spend it freely as one does cash now, no one is free of shit.
As for the SMT's, as one who came here ignorant of crypto I believe this will further add discouragement to those like myself. Adding yet one more step that makes an already confusing dynamic even more so.
This is what a community does but, is this what this community is doing?
Depending where you come in from and when, it could simplify it. There are only 60,000 active posters or something like that, not quite mainstream yet.