a scarcity mindset that says, "enjoy now because tomorrow you may not be able to"
This might be hardwired into us by evolution.
We better stuff ourselves now, no telling when another mastodon might be available.
a scarcity mindset that says, "enjoy now because tomorrow you may not be able to"
This might be hardwired into us by evolution.
We better stuff ourselves now, no telling when another mastodon might be available.
Humans are one of the rare species that actually think into the future and are doing sacrifices in favor of it in the precent. Yes, squirrels might store nuts for the winter, but this behavior comes from the DNA level and is not a result of logical thinking. Humans do go for immediate satisfaction in many cases, usually when tomorrow is highly uncertain. But when there's a steady culture where work done in the precent can hold its worth - or even increase in value when invested - it encourages waiting for the second marshmallow.
Posted using Partiko Android
I know you love the marshmallow simile :)
Posted using Partiko Android
I think it is, but we also have developed some level of self control. However, instant gratification beats delayed more often than not in most people.