Partiko is Stickier than Steemit

in #steem7 years ago

Just a couple short observations about this new app, Partiko, that I've been seeing people use (and downloaded last night):

  1. It is more fun to use. Getting points for doing stuff, and having a leaderboard, adds another layer of fun and competition to Steem. I'm already using Steem more today than a lot.

  2. I'm going to do more microblogging between major posts. I'll try to brand the shorties like this differently from the more content rich ones. I'm motivated by a few things, and Partiko's UX was the straw that broke the camel's back.

  3. An interview with the developer is in the works. You'll get some good information on Partiko within a week or two, but I do recommend trying it out now!

  4. I've changed my rewards to 100% power up. I remain bullish on Steem in the long run!

  5. Responses to this post using the Partiko app will get a full upvote (one per user). Tell us what you think of it!



Posted using Partiko Android


I think you know already know I love Partiko

Posted using Partiko iOS

I certainly do now! Thanks for the resteem!

Partiko has excellent UX - fast & well designed. Perfect to use during commutes.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for sharing!

I have to drive, so I listen to podcasts on mine.

I’ve been using Partiko for about a month now and like it! With some added features it could be a real game changer :-) Don’t like the ‘alternative slider’ where you upvote a value instead of the percentages, but hey, it’s an actual Steem APP on my phone so - yay! Points are cool - curious to see what they will do with those - they have plans for them in the future. Partiko SMT?

(Let them add nightmode first please! Ahhh the white burns my eyes!)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Nightmode sounds like a great idea!

I don't mind the slider, as I like being able to know how much I'm giving somebody. Oh, and for the points, it says somewhere that you'll be able to turn them in for upvotes. :-)

Ah - that's a great idea :D Nice!

I have been planning on writting my own review on Partiko. So il just get right on it and send you a link here so you can read ny thoughts on it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Cool, I'll be sure to take a look at it!

Yeah this is game changer for sure, it’s amazing and I can’t even do anything thing with my wallet yet. Can’t wait to see what they add to it

Posted using Partiko iOS

Alright I'm here! I remember earlier before logging in that I was amazed at the speed of this thing. Now I took the leap and leaving my first reply with you :).

Had reservations with the Steemcomnect auto fill but just going to trust it. They seem on point in responsiveness as well, very nice to see.

I'm going to be checking two things next: how robust the post drafting is to not losing partial work, and the fun engagement pages that you mentioned. Alrighty!

Posted using Partiko Android

Welcome back! I agree on the steemconnect, but I also keep a close eye on my account and the vast majority of my Steem is time locked as Steem Power, and I can always make a new active key with my owner key.

Hear you on the partial work! Another site lost a post reply of mine today, which was frustrating.

Yeah so partiko posting will save drafts, but not replies. Something to watch out for as on steemit I have plenty of replies I leave in draft state when I have multiple tabs open. Guess this encourages me to finish a reply as I go haha.

Posted using Partiko Android

That's hilarious. I've heard of saving post drafts but comment drafts? 🤣🤣🤣

Posted using Partiko Android

I recently downloaded this app as well. Seems to be a more smooth experience on mobile. Enjoying it so far. Do you know if partiko takes a % of the rewards when posting through the app?

Posted using Partiko iOS

They take nothing

Posted using Partiko iOS

I do like partiko, it’s easily the best steemit app I’ve seen so far, however since I already do everything on my Ipad and don’t use my phone much, using the app on my iPad is not as convenient as using my browser. Also though I understand and don’t begrudge them the publicity, the little tag under my comments looks a bit cluttered to me. I guess if I start leaving the house more then I will have more reason to post via partiko on my phone. That would probably be a good thing tbh ;)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah, it's a little weird how phone apps can look awful on tablets. I'm not even sure how tablets have sustained sales, as they were cool when the iPads first came out, but now I really dislike them overall.

Personally I didn’t grow up with a computer so the touch interface is much more intuitive for me. Also the battery life and the price are great. The limitation in processing power hasn’t been too much of a drag and the software is a fraction of the price. Granted on my laptop I run linux and the software is also quite cheap but also not quite as clean and faithfully updated as the apps I use on my tablet.

Interesting, thanks for sharing that!

Just started using the app yesterday but I have to say thay I have high hopes for it. These days you can't really have a proper site without a good app to back it up and partiko provides this.
Yes it needs some work and additional features but what is there now is not a bad base to start from.
It's easy to use and more functional than the steemit site on your phone so it's gets a thumbs up from me. Hopefully they keep developing it until we have everything we need for our userbase.

Posted using Partiko Android

It's a work in progress. I just interviewed the creator and will be posting it soon, so you can check out what the plans are in that article. :-)

Looking forward to it. That should be an interesting read. I'm not expecting any miracles from something so newly developed and think that it's a great starting point. A few small additions to it would make the world of difference and I'm sure that the creator has big plans for the next few updates.

With hardfork 20, smt's and hivemind all coming down the line i would be hoping to see a big increase in the number of active users over the next 12 months and having a functional app is a big part of that. People live on their phones nowadays so its a basic requirement for any platform.

Agree, this is a killer app for Steem as they con’t to make better. UI is much better than

Posted using Partiko iOS

It sure is. I'm ok with Steemit being what it is, though, which is the base vanilla layer of access to Steem. Steemit is doing right by focusing their energy on HF 20 and SMTs.

It is the killer app

Posted using Partiko iOS

I downloaded Partiko about a week or two ago and haven’t looked back since it’s by far the better experience on mobile vs the other apps available! My only issue with it at the moment is if I get a comment and go to my notifications I can read it but when I click on it to respond it doesn’t take me directly to that comment in a post! A little bit painful scrolling through all the comments! Maybe I’m lazy but it’s a feature I’d appreciate

Posted using Partiko iOS

Not lazy, and I agree-the notifications are great, but not being able to upvote within notifications is a pain, and the interface in that particular portion is my least favorite part of it. I'm sure we're not the only ones who feel this way. :-)

You say it all...the point keep us hooked to the platform to get mors and more

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes! What I love about Steem is that being hooked on the platform makes us more money. :-)

Not about money ..but @partiko makes engagement more easy..

Posted using Partiko Android

Just got the app and this is my second post. So far so good, but I haven’t been able to play a video in a post. Anyone else have that problem? Both dTube and YouTube won’t play

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think I've had it too. They'll get there...the app is still very new!

Yes, it looks like they don’t yet support playing “inline” video but are working on it. Still seems to be a great app

Posted using Partiko iOS

I agree it has some extra benefits and as a result it is prdtty fun to use.
I did just ddiscover that my feed lookks entirely differen than the one on SteemIt itself. (I went looking for your post, so I could fepy using the app, but all I found were a lot of people I hadn't heard about before. Strange...

Funky. The feed does look a lot nicer on it. Let us know if you find out what the problem was in finding all different people on it.

I will look into it later

My phone is not new enough to download partiko :)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I have noticed a lot of Posted using Partiko lately.

Ah, bummer! That is good information, though.

Posted using Partiko Android

Are you using an iOS device?

Posted using Partiko Android

So it is a app for steemit? Right?

It's an app for Steem. Steemit is also an app for Steem. Partiko is similar to Steemit in that it allows users to interact with the Steem blockchain.

Does that make sense?

So it is a competitor to steemit...

I'd say a friendly competitor. Both allow access to Steem, but each with a different focus.

Ok. Thanks. I stay here so far. Have only been here since may.

how much will partiko take when you use the app? I have been wanting to check it out.

They take nothing!

Posted using Partiko Android


Posted using Partiko iOS

The ‘micro-blogging’ comment is genius. I will start using this term immediately, thank you!

It's not my invention, but I'm glad it inspired you!

my only concern with trying an app is with security.

I hear you there. As I wrote above to @eonwarped, sharing my active key is not quite as dangerous if I'm paying attention. All of my Steem Power takes at least a week (after notification) to begin powering down, so anyone that tries to steal it would immediately find me changing my keys via the owner key, and stopping it.

Partiko uses SteemConnect so we don't have access to your private key. Let us know if you have more questions, already happy to answer!

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm using eSteem at the moment and going to check this one also.

I never used esteem, and I'm not sure why. At this point I'll be using Partiko for a while.

I installed the app yesterday, just need to check the difference between esteem and this one.