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RE: Is Steem really about Proof of Brain? - Thoughts on Steem's Future & Direction

in #steem6 years ago

Is that what dlive, dsound and dtube are for? The different facets of this platform? I kind of like the ambiguity of ‘is it a blogging site’, ‘is it like reddit’, ‘is it a social media platform’, really what is it? I like it because it leaves the freedom for me to post philosophically, followed by recipe posts and then maybe some sketches. I suppose that ambiguity and freedom also leaves a lot of room for people to post (what I consider to be) junk.… i.e. Instagram poses, Facebook status updates, copy and pasted google and YouTube articles.
However, I’ve discovered a lot of talent here in music, art, creative writing and even just conversational blogs about a certain notion. For the most part, I ignore the crap, avoid the trolls and go about my merry way. Perhaps if everyone did that, the junk would just fade away. Thanks for sharing @meno ✌️


Your outlook is quite positive and not only do I appreciate it a lot I think we need more of it... I'm also hoping that the integration of Hive/Communities adds a little more shape to the landscape.

If you are curious as to why I felt compelled to write this, click on here... but before you do, let me apologize... its not pretty.

Thank you, I appreciate your support. I’ve never needed to flag anyone yet, maybe because I’m such a small timer on this platform. But it seems to me that wherever there is autonomy, there is room for exploitation.
I’ll explain:

When there isn’t governance, there is room for accounts to exploit the loopholes of the landscape. Some spammy accounts may have made money posting their spam and therefore have a little more weight to throw around with all of their attained influence but I’m seeing most of the people I follow call these accounts out before they ever get started. If everyone did that, wouldn’t they disappear? Idk.

I prefer the non-governance of this platform and if that’s the trade off maybe it’s not that bad.

Please take my opinions with a grain of salt for I’m still very new and have a lot to learn about how this platform works.

I think your observations are not off or at least they are accurate most of the time. The truth is that if you have enough SP you can pretty much do as you please free from consequence... granted, in order to be a complete disruptor of peace and get away with with it your account must valuate in the millions.

I both like this and dislike it, the reason behind my bipolar answer has to do with the fact that the distribution of Steem resembles in many ways how the economy we are supposed to be escaping from has managed to secure the people in power with questionable tactics.

I'm also not making an argument for redistribution of wealth in a way that would hint ideas of socialism. My point or I guess my concern is to bring up the possibility that the way the system is currently design may not allow for people to move up the ranks while participating on said race with whatever we might define as ethical and moral.

If its better/easier to scam

If that is what we are more likely to be rewarding then the blockchain can become a playground for the people who thrive at recognizing loopholes and not the platform that is supposed to reward positive behaviors.

I'm painting a grim picture, I fully realize it, but its not my intention to disillusion anyone... I'm simply asking questions.

Man, that is a great point. The parallels drawn between society today and the class system of Steemit are spot on! Thanks for sharing that 👍.

Sure, The higher the SP the more the clout is that they have but does anyone with such SP actually abuse that power? This is a real question; I don’t actually know anyone with millions in their wallets.

I don’t think you’re painting a grim picture @meno for mere questions are neither negative nor positive, they just simply are questions. In fact, it wouldnt be a bad idea for every Steemit member to be confronted with these questions so there can be a healthy and inclusive dialogue about ideas.