# Racism

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Stop racism ♥

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Racism is an ideology which, based on the postulate of the existence of races within the human race, considers that certain categories of people are intrinsically superior to others. This ideology can lead to privileging a given category of people by to others.Le Petit Larousse defines racism, in the broad sense of the term, as "an attitude of repeated or even systematic hostility towards a particular category of people". This hostility towards another cultural and ethnicity - or simply to a specific skin color - is manifested by forms of xenophobia or ethnocentrism.Some forms of expression of racism, such as racist slurs, racial defamation, discrimination, are considered offenses in racist ideologies have served as a basis for political doctrines leading to racial discrimination, ethnic segregation and to commit injustices and violence which, in extreme cases, may even lead to genocide....
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