Top Two Social Cryptos Right Now Are STEEM And ReddCoin(RDD), #cryptocurrencynews, 01 Feb 2018

in #steem7 years ago

STEEM And ReddCoin(RDD)


This week, Facebook reported that it was set to ban cryptocurrency advertisements. The move reportedly comes as a response to the large number of so-called scam-coins and malicious ICOs being promoted through the platform. While there is no doubt plenty of the sort of activity that Facebook doesn’t want to allow happening through its platform, the move seems a little over-reactive.

Anyway, in the wake of the development, we thought we’d take the opportunity to pick out our two favorite social coins on the market. So, here goes.

First up, Steem (STEEM).

This one is one that many reading will likely already be familiar with but, for those that aren’t, STEEM is the coin that underpins the Steemit ecosystem. Steemit is a social media platform/network through which users can create and share content (usually rooted in the cryptocurrency space, but that’s more through industry and user interest bias than it is anything to do with the platform’s policy or anything) and other users can reward the content creators using cryptocurrency....Read More...

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