It likely is going to continue to be a drain on steem prices as whatever projects get funding are immediately going to be dumping that steem for fiat
We're on the same page for sure. I see it as somewhat of a flawed idea, as it can be used as a money grab. I'm sure that many legit projects will build using SPS, but as you point out how many will succeed?
Regarding the SPS funding coming from inflation, I don't like it either, especially not all of it coming from the author pool.
That means under this current proposed system, the content creator is expected to pay (from low ass rewards at it is) for all sorts of projects they might know nothing about? It's crazy. If I could choose to approve, or not, a project I might feel differently.
I got bored of pushing these points in discord after a while as no one seemed to want to acknowledge it was even a problem. I had one person say to me:
'why shouldn't it come from authors? It's not fair if it cones from witnesses as authors are the biggest drain on the pool.'
This is laughable. As I understand it, top 100 are earning a yearly salary through running the witness node.
What's fair - if it has to come from inflation - is that it comes from all inflation, across the board. Author, curator and witness rewards. Otherwise, it's another fck u to content creators who are the current community and audience of steem at this time. If they keep getting shafted like this over and over again, the whole system will collapse when they all leave lol
And don't forget the interest to SP holders as another inflation category. But yes I completely agree. I supported it coming from multiple sources as well, as did the vast majority of the community that commented, yet here we are with it all coming from the author rewards... sigh.