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RE: The Goose And The Golden Steem - A Tale By Cryptogee

in #steem9 years ago (edited)

You forgot this part.

"After the golden eggs were received and all the gardeners were convinced of their value, the frenzy started. Everybody wanted more eggs, more fertilizer, everyone wanted more so they all started to plant the same plant that the goose loved. It was called "circleJerkovia". This plant grew fast, grew wide and made many-a-gardener happy!! Oh, how they danced the happy dance throwing the leafs of circlejerkovia around. This will make us farm-owners soon, they all yelled.

BUT, no good things lasts forever and the dark side of this little known-plant came to light. It was suffocating all the other gardens, and many other gardeners, who decided to grow their own plants, that they knew and loved, discovered they got less sun and less fertilizer and slowly withered and died. It was a tragedy and the community realized that it can not let it pass.

Slowly but surely, circlejerkovia was eradicated and new plants could now grow and make the gardens ever more bountiful.

the end!! "


How does Steemit's highest paid article; fit into your little theory then?



no, srsly, she came like 2 days after circlejerk, that's like 2-3 seasons in garden terms. it makes sense.


It's going in the right direction :-)


cryptogee ,
How does

Its called marketing ,whales make a success story of a youtuber and all the youtubers think oh I also can do that and they come to garden. That's just how marketings done .

Because the sheer beauty of that particular lady-gardener's flowers was so, that people from other worlds were compelled to come to the gardens of Steemit. And once they entered and noticed what Steemit was bearing, they too decided to stay and try to get their hands on one of her beautiful golden eggs.

I enjoyed reading this a lot, Great post.