It's too late to matter now, but it strikes me as a really really bad idea to launch a financial war with a billionaire.
This move probably just made it impossible for Steemit to continue to refrain from voting, once JS purchases a controlling interest and installs his own slate of witnesses. Fiduciary duty now almost certainly makes it necessary for Steemit to begin voting for witnesses with their stake. I hope I'm wrong, but I suspect that the consensus witnesses just ushered in the change that they claim to fear.
My stake doesn't matter much, but for whatever it's worth I have unvoted all witnesses running 0.22.2, which makes me sad, because there were some witnesses there that I really wish I could continue supporting.
Bottom line: I do not support locking out a legitimate stakeholder under any circumstances, and even if I did, I suspect that this was a strategically bad move.