Hey I just wanted to say that's a really nice post - Steemit as my bank, diary and therapist - cool quote!
I like the way this post links the general (develop a genuine attitude, which you need to 'succeed on Steemit) and the specific - use the searches and find like minded people
And interestingly the advice you give is pretty much what I've just realized about how to make Steemit work and hence why I found you - looking for like minded people.
And I honestly never heard of local BTC exchanges either... you've given me something to research.
Seriously, one of the best, densest, interesting posts I've read on here. Wish I could give you more than a 002 cent upvote!
P.S. what I like about your posts is that you seem somehow calmer and less frenetic than pretty much everyone else I've looked at with a 70+ reputation. Keep it real!
Awesome to meet you here! I am touched by your words and encouraged by them too :)
I have noticed that many of the higher rep numbers people seem to focus on detailed news articles and this seems to work very well for them. Check out @teamsteem who is really an awesome guy.
My system as you observed is much more specific to me and the way I live my life now. And that's okay! Even if it doesn't always reward me as much as I would like it to ;)
I believe if we are not enjoying the writing process there is something wrong.
Feel free to PM me on steemit.chat if you feel as if you have produced a quality article and would like a resteem.
Hi thanks for the encouragement! I'm pretty reliant on @curie for any serious revenue at the moment, but know that won't last, so thanks for the tips - I may catch you in the chat sometime...