I've create new topic and new post, but this new topic didn't appear in the topic list. Who is allowed to add new topic to Steemit topic list?
I've create new topic and new post, but this new topic didn't appear in the topic list. Who is allowed to add new topic to Steemit topic list?
Nauja kategorija bus aktyvi kol ivyks išmoka, t.y. 7 dienas. Poto ji dingsta, jei į ja vel neparašys kas nors ko nors papildomai. Kad atsirastų bendrame saraše - nežinau ko tiksliai reikia. Bet spėju - to paties, kad nuolat, pastoviai , bent kartą per 7 dienas vis kas nors papildomai į ją papostintų. Ir gali būt , kad tai turi nenutrūkstamai tęstis tam tikrą minimalų laiką, pvz 1 menesi, ar gal kelis, ar kelias savaites ( čia tik mano spėlionės)@rimantas ,
Everyone afaik. I think the topic list refreshes daily. Check tomorrow.
Thank you for reply. I've created topic "apie-steemit" a few days ago, but topic filter (search) don't find it . Meanwhile via url search is possible. Please check it out: https://steemit.com/recent/apie-steemit.
Maybe they're adding them manually, I created literature and it also isn't showing up.
What does apie mean? If it's intended to be used as a subcategory for another language, please use the 2-letter iso code.
"Apie" means "about". OK, I will try iso code LT later.
did you managed to add new topic?